REM ***********************************************
REM Title: Intersection of 2 ellipses
REM Author: Phaelax
REM Downloaded from:
REM ***********************************************
sync on
randomize timer()
rem ellipse 1
x1# = 320
y1# = 240
a1# = 60
b1# = 25
rem ellipse 2
x2# = mousex()
y2# = mousey()
a2# = rnd(40)+20
b2# = rnd(40)+20
   rem center of ellipse 2
   x2# = mousex()
   y2# = mousey()
   ink rgb(255,255,255),0
   if CXEllipseR2(x1#,y1#,a1#,b1#,x2#,y2#,a2#,b2#) = 1 then ink rgb(255,0,0),0
   rem draw ellipses
   ellipse x1#,y1#,a1#,b1#
   ellipse x2#,y2#,a2#,b2#
UNTIL spacekey()
function CXEllipseR2(x1#,y1#,radiusX1#,radiusY1#, x2#,y2#,radiusX2#,radiusY2#)
   rem convert the space of the two ellipses
   rem the unit circle
   rX1# = x1#/radiusX1#
   rY1# = y1#/radiusY1#
   rem 2nd ellipse
   rX2# = x2#/radiusX1#
   rY2# = y2#/radiusY1#
   rRadiusX2# = radiusX2#/radiusX1#
   rRadiusY2# = radiusY2#/radiusY1#
   rem find the point on the ellipse nearest to the unit circle
   a# = atanfull(rX1#-rX2#, rY1#-rY2#)
   x# = rX2#+sin(a#)*rRadiusX2#
   y# = rY2#+cos(a#)*rRadiusY2#
   rem check the distance
   if (rX1#-x#)^2 + (rY1#-y#)^2 <= 1.0 then exitfunction 1
endfunction 0