randomize timer()
hide mouse
sync on
dim code$(7)
code$(0)= "`controls"
code$(1)= "if upkey()=1 then inc pz#,5"
code$(2)= "if downkey()=1 then dec pz#,5"
code$(3)= "if leftkey()=1 then dec px#,5"
code$(4)= "if rightkey()=1 then inc px#,5"
code$(5)= "if shiftkey()=1 then inc py#,5"
code$(6)= "if controlkey()=1 then dec py#,5"
code$(7)= "if spacekey()=1 or py# < 0.0 then py# = 0.0"
FOR sig= 1 to 50
cls rgb(255,255,255)
set text font "courier new",1
set text size 14
for n = 1 to 8
  x=rnd(400)-50 : y=0-rnd(20)
  ink rgb(rnd(55)+200,rnd(55)+200,rnd(55)+200),0
  for a= 0 to 7
    text x,y+a*10,code$(a)
  next a
next n
set text size 30
set text to bold
ink 0,0
center text 200,25,"Dark Basic Challenges"
get image 1,20,20,380,60
paste image 1,120,140
sync:wait 200
NEXT sig