`Trench Runner
`© CPU
`Main Source File
#constant trenchLength = 20
#constant crossBridgeObjQty = 3
#constant crossBridgeChance = 5
#constant maxBlastObjects = 200
#constant bumpMappingOn = 0
#constant turretMax = 25
#constant turretProb = 10
#constant maxShips = 10
#constant maxActionKeys = 30
#constant maxBooms = 27
#constant trenchCeil = 20
#constant maxMessages = 20
#constant hasMessagePanel = 1
#constant winDistance = 5000
#constant pitchSpeed = 1.0
#constant turnSpeed = 1.0
#constant rollSpeed = 0.7
#constant moveSpeed = 0.75
#constant accSpeed = 0.1
#constant fireRate = 90
#constant pathChangeChance = 30
#constant lookAheadDist = 70
#constant randBurstChance = 10
#constant underFireEvadeChance = 50
#constant EvadeAmnt = 1.0
#constant blastDamage = 20
#constant StartSepDist = 20
#constant AutoBReloadTime = 1000
#constant empireShipSize = 0.50
#constant rebelShipSize = 1.0
#constant pathFuzzy = 0.1
#constant cSize = 0.50
#constant turretLead = 25
#constant rayLen = 10000
`helpfull constants
#constant EmpireShip = 2
#constant RebelShip = 1
#constant AIcontrol = 1
#constant playerControl = 2
#constant keyHoldUp = 1
#constant keyJustPressed = 2
#constant keyHoldDown = 3
#constant keyJustReleased = 4
#constant keyPitchUp = 1
#constant keyPitchDown = 2
#constant keyRollLeft = 3
#constant keyRollRight = 4
#constant keyFire = 5
#constant keySlideLeft = 6
#constant keySlideRight = 7
#constant keySlideUp = 8
#constant keySlideDown = 9
#constant keyForward = 10
#constant keyAutoToggle = 11
#constant keyCamRotUp = 12
#constant keyCamRotDown = 13
#constant keyCamRotRight = 14
#constant keyCamRotLeft = 15
#constant keyCamRotRollR = 16
#constant keyCamRotRollL = 17
#constant keyCamMovUp = 18
#constant keyCamMovDown = 19
#constant keyCamMovRight = 20
#constant keyCamMovLeft = 21
#constant keyCamMovFwd = 22
#constant keyCamMovBak = 23
#constant keyToggleFreeRot = 24 
#constant keyToggleMsgPan = 25
#constant keyPhotonTorpedo = 26 
#constant keySwitchShips = 27
#constant keyPauseKey = 28
sync on
sync rate 0
autocam off
set camera range 0.001,1000
disable escapekey
fog on
fog distance trenchLength*10
color backdrop rgb(0,0,0)
make light 1
point light 1,25,100,0
randomize timer()
position camera 1,5,-10
`position camera 25,25,25
point camera 1,5,0
global trenchObj as integer
global trenchTexture as integer
global trenchBumpmap as integer
global curblock as integer
global endTarget as integer
global greenLaserImg as integer
global redLaserImg as integer
global gridImg as integer
global XwingImg as integer
global bladeImg as integer
global explodeImg as integer
global sWaveImg as integer
global msgPanImg as integer
global msgUpImg as integer
global msgDownImg as integer
global SkyBoxNum as integer
global StarsTexture as integer
global DSTexture as integer
global turretFireRate as integer = 300
global messagesLastUpdate as integer
global msgPanalVisible as integer = 1
global playerShip as integer
global camRotX as float
global camRotY as float
global camRotZ as float
global freeRotToggle as integer
global camOffVert as float = 0.6
global camOffHorz as float
global camOffZ as float = -1.2
global rebelVictory as integer
global empireVictory as integer
global EmpireRecreate as integer
global timeLeft as integer
global prgEnd as integer = 0
global gamePaused as integer
global timeStoped as integer
global stopTime as integer
`FPS independent stuff
`variables for FPS independent
 global FPS as integer
 global GameSpeed as integer
 global LoopConstant as double float
 global LoopTime as integer
 global LastLoopTime as integer
 global LoopSpeed as double float
 global FPSISmoothing as integer
 global MaxLoopTime as integer
 MaxLoopTime = 100
 GameSpeed = 60
 LoopSpeed = 1.0
 FPSISmoothing = 25
 LastLoopTime = timer()
type xyzfloat
	x as float
	y as float
	z as float
type tsqrType
	objnum as integer
type colBox
	objNum as integer
	xsize as integer
	ysize as integer
	zsize as integer
type blastType
	color as integer
	vel as float
	traveledDist as float
	maxDist as float
	objnum as integer
	exist as integer
	startTime as integer
	life as integer
	dynColCheck as float
	live as integer
	BType as integer
type turretType
	exist as integer
	objNum as integer
	objNumBox as integer
	objNumStand as integer
	reload as integer
	orient as integer
	target as integer
type autoShip
	controlType as integer
	exist as integer
	side as integer
	objnum as integer
	reload as integer
	intersectUpdate as integer
	roll as float
	vel as float
	newPathOverride as integer
	autoPathX as float
	autoPathY as float
	autoBurst as integer
	autoBreload as integer
	target as integer
	engageTime as integer
	underFire as integer
	health as integer
	incoming as integer
	numTorpedos as integer
type BoomType
	exist as integer
	boomObj as integer
	shockObj as integer
	scale as float
	scale2 as float
	vanishSize as float
type keyType
	keycode as integer
	lastState as integer
	currentState as integer
global dim trenchSqr(trenchLength) as tsqrType
global dim crossBridges(trenchLength,crossBridgeObjQty) as colBox
global dim blast(maxBlastObjects) as blastType
global dim turrets(turretMax) as turretType
global dim autoShips(maxShips) as autoShip
global dim booms(maxBooms) as BoomType
global dim actionKeys(maxActionKeys) as keyType
global dim messages(maxMessages) as string
bladeImg = freeImage()
XwingImg = freeImage()
gridImg = freeImage()
gridImg = freeImage()
greenLaserImg = freeImage()
redLaserImg = freeImage()
StarsTexture = freeImage()
explodeImg = freeImage()
sWaveImg = freeImage()
msgPanImg = freeImage()
DSTexture = freeImage()
gosub makeTrenchObj
`cool backround pannel for messages
if hasMessagePanel = 1
	sprite msgPanImg, 0,0,msgPanImg
	set sprite alpha msgPanImg, 125
	hide sprite msgPanImg
`skybox creation
SkyBoxNum = freeObject()
createSkyBox(SkyBoxNum, 1000)
for n = 1 to 6
	texture limb SkyBoxNum, n, StarsTexture
	scale limb texture SkyBoxNum, n, 5,5
next n
for n = 1 to maxBlastObjects
next n
for n = 1 to turretMax
next n
`auto ships!!
`action keys, change to change controls...
actionKeys(keyPitchUp).keycode = 200
actionKeys(keyPitchDown).keycode = 208
actionKeys(keyRollLeft).keycode = 203
actionKeys(keyRollRight).keycode = 205
actionKeys(keyFire).keycode = 157 `control key
actionKeys(keySlideUp).keycode = 72
actionKeys(keySlideDown).keycode = 80
actionKeys(keySlideLeft).keycode = 75
actionKeys(keySlideRight).keycode = 77
actionKeys(keyForward).keycode = 184 `alt key
actionKeys(keyAutoToggle).keycode = 30 `'a' key
`Extended camera control keys...
actionKeys(keyCamRotUp).keycode = 23
actionKeys(keyCamRotDown).keycode = 37
actionKeys(keyCamRotRight).keycode = 38
actionKeys(keyCamRotLeft).keycode = 36
actionKeys(keyCamRotRollR).keycode = 26
actionKeys(keyCamRotRollL).keycode = 27
actionKeys(keyCamMovUp).keycode = 210
actionKeys(keyCamMovDown).keycode = 211
actionKeys(keyCamMovRight).keycode = 199
actionKeys(keyCamMovLeft).keycode = 207
actionKeys(keyCamMovFwd).keycode = 201
actionKeys(keyCamMovBak).keycode = 209
actionKeys(keyToggleFreeRot).keycode = 46
actionKeys(keyToggleMsgPan).keycode = 50
actionKeys(keyPhotonTorpedo).keycode = 28
actionKeys(keySwitchShips).keycode = 31
actionKeys(keyPauseKey).keycode = 25
createsound("deep explosion",9,30,100,16000,0.00,1.5,.0,0,0,0,100)
`createXwingfighter(1000, 0.5)
make object box 1000,0.25,0.25,0.25
set object collision off 1000
hide object 1000
	rebelVictory = 0
	empireVictory = 0
	`threee minuts before rebel base ceases to exist...
	timeLeft = getTime() + 180000
	`AddRebelShip(15.0, AIcontrol)
	`createTurret(0, 1.25, 0, 1)
	`make object box 201,2,2,2
	`point object 201,0,0,10
	`tmpFireTime = timer()
	`#################  Enter Main loop  #############
		if wrapvalue(camera angle y()) > 270 or wrapvalue(camera angle y()) < 90
			updateTrench(camera position z(), 10.0, 1)
			updateTrench(camera position z(), 10.0, 0)
		`Skybox Update
		position object SkyBoxNum, camera position x(), camera position y(), camera position z() 
		if gamePaused = 0
			`recreate empire ships, the rebels are limited, but harder to hit =)
			if getTime() - EmpireRecreate > 10000
				AddEmpireShip(0, AIcontrol)
				EmpireRecreate = getTime()
			`ok i relent, a few extra rebel ships come in every now and again as well =)
			if rnd(4000) = 1
				tmp = AddRebelShip(0, AIcontrol)
				newMsg(tmp, "Little recon reo commin in...")
			updateTurrets(camera position z(), 10.0)
			if timeLeft - getTime() <= 0 and rebelVictory = 0 then empireVictory = 1
			if countAutoShips(RebelShip) <= 0 then empireVictory = 1
			`so da game is paused...
			ink RGB(0,128,192),0
			center text screen width()/2, screen height()/2,"Game Paused"
		ink rgb(200,140,0),0
		text 5,screen height() - 35, "Rebel Ships: " + str$(countAutoShips(RebelShip))
		text 5,screen height() - 20, "Empire Ships: " + str$(countAutoShips(EmpireShip))
		center text screen width()/2,screen height() - 35, str$(int((timeLeft - getTime())/600)) + "Seconds Remaining"
		center text screen width()/2,screen height() - 20, str$(int(winDistance - camera position z())) + "m Remaining"
		`loop until exscapekey = 1
	until escapekey() = 1 or rebelVictory = 1 or empireVictory = 1
	if escapekey() = 1
		   il escapekey() = 0
	if rebelVictory = 1
	if empireVictory = 1
	`so somebody one eh? play me a video =)
	if rebelVictory = 1 or empireVictory = 1
function getTime()
	local rtrn as integer
	if timeStoped
		rtrn = stopTime
		rtrn = timer() - stopTime
endfunction rtrn
function startTime()
	timeStoped = 0
	stopTime = timer() - stopTime
function stopTime()
	timeStoped = 1
	stopTime = timer() - stopTime
function updateExtendedKeyControls()
	`engage/disengage autopilot
	if codeState(keyAutoToggle) = keyJustPressed
		if autoShips(playerShip).controlType = AIcontrol
			autoShips(playerShip).controlType = playerControl
			newMsg(playerShip, "Auto Pilot Disengaged")
			autoShips(playerShip).controlType = AIcontrol
			newMsg(playerShip, "Auto Pilot Engaged - Enjoy the flight.")
	`Extended camera control keys...
	if codeState(keyCamRotUp) = keyHoldDown then camRotX = camRotX - timeValue(1.5)
	if codeState(keyCamRotDown) = keyHoldDown then camRotX = camRotX + timeValue(1.5)
	if codeState(keyCamRotRight) = keyHoldDown then camRotY = camRotY + timeValue(1.5)
	if codeState(keyCamRotLeft) = keyHoldDown then camRotY = camRotY - timeValue(1.5)
	if codeState(keyCamRotRollR) = keyHoldDown then camRotZ = camRotZ + timeValue(1.5)
	if codeState(keyCamRotRollL) = keyHoldDown then camRotZ = camRotZ - timeValue(1.5)
	if codeState(keyCamMovUp) = keyHoldDown then camOffVert = camOffVert + timeValue(0.0125)
	if codeState(keyCamMovDown) = keyHoldDown then camOffVert = camOffVert - timeValue(0.0125)
	if codeState(keyCamMovRight) = keyHoldDown then camOffHorz = camOffHorz + timeValue(0.0125)
	if codeState(keyCamMovLeft) = keyHoldDown then camOffHorz = camOffHorz - timeValue(0.0125)
	if codeState(keyCamMovFwd) = keyHoldDown then camOffZ = camOffZ + timeValue(0.025)
	if codeState(keyCamMovBak) = keyHoldDown then camOffZ = camOffZ - timeValue(0.025)
	if codeState(keyToggleFreeRot) = keyJustPressed
		if freeRotToggle = 0
			freeRotToggle = 1
			newMsg(99, "Free Camera Rotate Engaged")
			freeRotToggle = 0
			newMsg(99, "Constrained Camera Rotate Engaged")
	if codeState(keyToggleMsgPan) = keyJustPressed
		if msgPanalVisible = 0
			msgPanalVisible = 1
			newMsg(99, "Message Pannel Displayed")
			msgPanalVisible = 0
			newMsg(99, "Message Pannel Hidden")
	if codeState(keyPauseKey) = keyJustPressed
		if gamePaused = 0
			gamePaused = 1
			newMsg(99, "Game Paused")
			gamePaused = 0
			newMsg(99, "Game Continued")
	if codeState(keyPhotonTorpedo) = keyJustPressed
		if autoShips(playerShip).side = RebelShip and autoShips(playerShip).numTorpedos > 0
			fireBlast(autoShips(playerShip).objnum, RebelShip, 0,-0.1, 1.5,2)
			fireBlast(autoShips(playerShip).objnum, RebelShip, 0, 0.1, 1.5,2)
			autoShips(playerShip).numTorpedos = autoShips(playerShip).numTorpedos - 2
			newMsg(ship, "Torpedos away!")
	if codeState(keySwitchShips) = keyJustReleased
		tmp = playerChange(autoShips(playerShip).side)
		if tmp <> -1
			playerShip = tmp
	`player re-enter if passing exaust port...
	if object position z(autoShips(playerShip).objnum) >= winDistance
		position object autoShips(playerShip).objnum, 0, 20, winDistance - 1000
		autoShips(playerShip).incoming = 1
		newMsg(playerShip, "Goin again...")
	`now update camera
function FPS_UpdateIndependent()
	`update FPS independent code
     LoopTime = timer() - LastLoopTime
     LastLoopTime = timer()
     if LoopTime > MaxLoopTime then LoopTime = MaxLoopTime
     LoopConstant = GameSpeed/1000.0
     LoopSpeed = (LoopSpeed*(FPSISmoothing-1.0) + (LoopTime * LoopConstant * 1.0)) / FPSISmoothing*1.0
     FPS = screen fps()
      `done with FPS independent part
function timeValue(value as float)
	local rtrn as float
	rtrn = value * LoopSpeed
endfunction rtrn
function MouseControl(Speed as float)
	xrotate camera wrapvalue(camera angle x()+mousemovey()/3.0)
	yrotate camera wrapvalue(camera angle y()+mousemovex()/3.0)
	if mouseclick()=1 then move camera timeValue(Speed)
	if mouseclick()=2 then move camera timeValue((0-Speed))
	if camera position y() > 10 then position camera camera position x(), 10, camera position z()
	if camera position y() < 1 then position camera camera position x(), 1, camera position z()
	if camera position x() > 4.9 then position camera 4.9, camera position y(), camera position z()
	if camera position x() < -4.9 then position camera -4.9, camera position y(), camera position z()
function updateKeys()
	for n = 1 to maxActionKeys
		if actionKeys(n).keycode > 0
			actionKeys(n).lastState = actionKeys(n).currentState
			actionKeys(n).currentState = keystate(actionKeys(n).keycode)
	next n
function codeState(actionKey as integer)
	local rtrn as integer = -1
	if actionKeys(actionKey).keycode > 0
		if actionKeys(actionKey).currentState = 0 and actionKeys(actionKey).lastState = 0
			rtrn = keyHoldUp
		if actionKeys(actionKey).currentState = 1 and  actionKeys(actionKey).lastState = 0
			rtrn = keyJustPressed
		if actionKeys(actionKey).currentState = 1 and  actionKeys(actionKey).lastState = 1
			rtrn = keyHoldDown
		if actionKeys(actionKey).currentState = 0 and  actionKeys(actionKey).lastState = 1
			rtrn = keyJustReleased
endfunction rtrn
	local tmpMesh as integer
	local tmpObj as integer
	trenchObj = FreeObject()
	tmpMesh = FreeMesh()
	trenchTexture = FreeImage()
	if bumpMappingOn = 1
		trenchBumpmap = FreeImage()
	make object plain trenchObj, 10,10
	tmpObj = FreeObject()
	make object plain tmpObj, 10,10
	make mesh from object tmpMesh,tmpObj
	delete object tmpObj
	add limb trenchObj,1,tmpMesh
	offset limb trenchObj,1,5,0,-5
	rotate limb trenchObj,1,0,-90,0
	delete mesh tmpMesh
	make object plain tmpObj, 10,10
	make mesh from object tmpMesh,tmpObj
	delete object tmpObj
	add limb trenchObj,2,tmpMesh
	offset limb trenchObj,2,-5,0,-5
	rotate limb trenchObj,2,0,90,0
	add limb trenchObj,3,tmpMesh
	offset limb trenchObj,3,105,0,-10
	scale limb trenchObj,3,2000,100,100
	scale limb texture trenchObj,3, 20, 1
	add limb trenchObj,4,tmpMesh
	offset limb trenchObj,4,-105,0,-10
	scale limb trenchObj,4,2000,100,100
	scale limb texture trenchObj,4, 20, 1
	delete mesh tmpMesh
	texture object trenchObj,trenchTexture
	if bumpMappingOn = 1
		set bump mapping on trenchObj,trenchBumpmap
		set object emissive trenchObj, rgb(150,150,150)
	set object cull trenchObj, 0
	position object trenchObj,0,0,0
	rotate object trenchObj,90,0,0
	hide object trenchObj
	buildTrench(trenchObj, 10)
function buildTrench(obj as integer, spacing as float)
	for n = 1 to trenchLength
		trenchSqr(n).objnum = FreeObject()
		instance object trenchSqr(n).objnum, obj
		`texture object trenchSqr(n).objnum,trenchTexture
		`set bump mapping on trenchSqr(n).objnum,trenchBumpmap
		position object trenchSqr(n).objnum,0,0,(n-2)*spacing
		rotate object  trenchSqr(n).objnum,90,0,0
		`show object trenchSqr(n).objnum
	next n
	`end target
	endTarget = freeObject()
	make object plain endTarget,10,10
	tmp = freeObject()
	make object box tmp, 10,10,100
	position object tmp,0, 5, winDistance+51
	texture object tmp,trenchTexture
	texture object endTarget, DSTexture
	position object endTarget,0,5,winDistance
	set object cull endTarget, 0
	point object endTarget,0,5,0
function updateTrench(cameraZ as float, spacing as float, direction as integer)
	local updateBridges as integer
	if curBlock <> int(cameraZ/spacing) then updateBridges = 1 : curBlock = int(cameraZ/spacing)
	if direction = 1
		for n = 1 to trenchLength
			position object trenchSqr(n).objnum,0,0,(n-2)*spacing+int(cameraZ/spacing)*spacing
		next n
		for n = 1 to trenchLength
			position object trenchSqr(n).objnum,0,0,(n+2-trenchLength)*spacing+int(cameraZ/spacing)*spacing
		next n
	`position object 
	`I still want to update bridges and turrets, even if looking backwards, but I just need to update the 
	`side walls
		if rnd(crossBridgeChance) = 1 and updateBridges = 1 then buildBridge((curBlock mod trenchLength), (n-2)*spacing+int(cameraZ/spacing)*spacing, spacing)
		`turret time!
		if rnd(turretProb) = 1 and updateBridges = 1
			tmp = rnd(10)
			select tmp
				case 0
					createTurret(-4+rnd(8), 1.25, (n-2)*spacing+int(cameraZ/spacing)*spacing, 1)
				case 1
					createTurret(3.25, rnd(6)+2, (n-2)*spacing+int(cameraZ/spacing)*spacing, 0)
				case 2
					createTurret(-3.25, rnd(6)+2, (n-2)*spacing+int(cameraZ/spacing)*spacing, 0)
				case default
					`this way there is more pedistal turrets than trench turrets
					if rnd(1) = 1
						`pedistal turret on the right
						createTurret(15, 25, (n-2)*spacing+int(cameraZ/spacing)*spacing, 2)
						`pedistal turret on the left
						createTurret(-15, 25, (n-2)*spacing+int(cameraZ/spacing)*spacing, 2)
function buildBridge(tsqr, zPos as float, sqrSize)
	local posy as float
	local posz as float
	posy = rnd(sqrSize)
	posz = zPos - sqrSize/2 + rnd(sqrSize)
	for n = 1 to crossBridgeObjQty
		if crossBridges(tsqr,n).objNum > 0
			if object exist(crossBridges(tsqr,n).objNum) = 1 then delete object crossBridges(tsqr,n).objNum
		crossBridges(tsqr,n).objNum = FreeObject()
		make object box crossBridges(tsqr,n).objNum, 100,100,100
		texture object crossBridges(tsqr,n).objNum,trenchTexture
		`set bump mapping on crossBridges(tsqr,n).objNum,trenchBumpmap
		position object crossBridges(tsqr,n).objNum,(sqrSize/3.0)*(n-2), posy, posz
		crossBridges(tsqr,n).xsize = (sqrSize/3.0) + 1.0
		crossBridges(tsqr,n).ysize = rnd(sqrSize/5.0) + 1.0
		crossBridges(tsqr,n).zsize = rnd(sqrSize/5.0) + 1.0
		scale object crossBridges(tsqr,n).objNum, crossBridges(tsqr,n).xsize, crossBridges(tsqr,n).ysize, crossBridges(tsqr,n).zsize
		set object collision to boxes crossBridges(tsqr,n).objNum
		`set object collision on crossBridges(tsqr,n).objNum
	next n
function createsound(name$,soundnumber,frequency#,length#,loudness#,bend#,decay#,vibratospeed#,vibratodepth#,tremelospeed#,tremelodepth#,attack#)
outWord as word
dword1 as dword: dword2 as dword: dword3 as dword: dword4 as dword
dword5 as dword: dword6 as dword: dword7 as dword
if memblock exist(1) then delete memblock 1
make memblock 1,samples*2+28
` write 28 memblock header bytes
dword1=1      ` gg query: is this the number of channels?
dword2=2      ` gg query: is this the number of bytes per sample?
dword3=22050  ` gg query: seems to be half the number of samples per second - why?
dword4=88200  ` gg query: is this the number of bytes per second?
dword5=4      ` gg query: what does this represent?
dword6=16     ` gg query:     (ditto)            ?
dword7=0      ` gg query:     (ditto)            ?
write memblock dword 1, position, dword1 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword2 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword3 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword4 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword5 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword6 : inc position,4
write memblock dword 1, position, dword7 : inc position,4
rem generate and write wave
for x=1 to samples
  if outInteger <-32767 then outInteger=-32767  ` gg query: is this the valid range?
  if outInteger>32767 then outInteger=32767     ` gg query:       (ditto)          ?
  inc theta#,vibratospeed#
  inc phi#,tremelospeed#
  dec frequency#,bend#
  if fallinloudness#<loudness#
    inc fallinloudness#,decay#
  if riseinloudness#>0
    dec riseinloudness#,attack#
  write memblock word 1, position, outWord : inc position,2
next x
if sound exist(soundnumber)=1 then delete sound soundnumber
make sound from memblock 999, 1 ` assumes you won't need sound number 999!
clone sound soundnumber, 999
delete sound 999
` memblock no longer required
delete memblock 1
function FreeMesh()
		inc i
		if mesh exist(i)=0 then found=1
	until found
endfunction i
function FreeObject()
		inc i 
		if object exist(i)=0 then found=1
	until found
endfunction i
function FreeImage()
		inc i
		if image exist(i)=0 then found=1
	until found
endfunction i
function FreeMemblock()
		inc i
		if memblock exist(i)=0 then found=1
	until found
endfunction i
function constructBlast(index)
	local tmp as integer
	local tmp2 as integer
	blast(index).objNum = freeObject()
	make object plain blast(index).objNum, 0, 0
	tmp = freeObject()
	tmp2 = freeMesh()
	make object plain tmp, 0.125, 3
	make mesh from object tmp2, tmp
	delete object tmp
	add limb blast(index).objNum, 1, tmp2
	rotate limb blast(index).objNum, 1,90,0,90
	add limb blast(index).objNum, 2, tmp2
	rotate limb blast(index).objNum, 2,90,0,0
	show limb blast(index).objNum, 1
	show limb blast(index).objNum, 2
	set object cull blast(index).objNum,0
	rotate object blast(index).objNum, 0,0,0
	position object blast(index).objNum, 0,0,0
	ghost object on blast(index).objNum,0
	`set object light blast(index).objNum, 0
	set object emissive blast(index).objNum, rgb(255,255,0)
	set object collision off blast(index).objNum
	hide object blast(index).objNum
function updateBlasts()
	for n = 1 to maxBlastObjects
		if blast(n).exist = 1
			move object blast(n).objNum, timeValue(blast(n).vel)
			inc blast(n).traveledDist, timeValue(blast(n).vel)
			inc blast(n).dynColCheck, timeValue(blast(n).vel)
			`timer kill
			if getTime() - blast(n).startTime > blast(n).life
				blast(n).exist = 0
				hide object blast(n).objNum
			if blast(n).dynColCheck > 2.0 and blast(n).live = 1
				tmpx# = object position x(blast(n).objNum)
				tmpy# = object position y(blast(n).objNum)
				tmpz# = object position z(blast(n).objNum)
				move object blast(n).objNum, blast(n).dynColCheck + 2.0
				turret = intesectTurret(tmpx#, tmpy#, tmpz#, object position x(blast(n).objNum), object position y(blast(n).objNum), object position z(blast(n).objNum))
				shipHit = intesectShip(tmpx#, tmpy#, tmpz#, object position x(blast(n).objNum), object position y(blast(n).objNum), object position z(blast(n).objNum),(empireShipSize+rebelShipSize)/2)
				move object blast(n).objNum, 0 - blast(n).dynColCheck - 2.0
				`collision with turret, life?
				if turret > 0
					newMsg(100, "Turret Scrap heap")
					blast(n).exist = 0
					hide object blast(n).objNum
				`collision with ship, life?
				if shipHit > 0
					blast(n).exist = 0
					hide object blast(n).objNum
					autoShips(shipHit).health = autoShips(shipHit).health - blastDamage
					if autoShips(shipHit).health <= 0
						newMsg(shipHit, "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!")
						newMsg(shipHit, "Elimiated")
						if playerShip = shipHit
							tmp = playerChange(autoShips(shipHit).side)
							if tmp <> -1
								playerShip = tmp
						if autoShips(shipHit).health > 30
							newMsg(shipHit, "Ahh!! I'm hit")
							newMsg(shipHit, "I'm dead meat...")
				if blast(n).BType = 2 `photon torpedo...
					if intersectZtarget(object position x(blast(n).objNum),object position y(blast(n).objNum),0, 7.5, 1.25) > 0
						tmpx# = object position x(blast(n).objNum)
						tmpy# = object position y(blast(n).objNum)
						tmpz# = object position z(blast(n).objNum)
						move object blast(n).objNum, blast(n).dynColCheck + 2.0
						tmpdist# = intersect object(endTarget, tmpx#, tmpy#, tmpz#, object position x(blast(n).objNum), object position y(blast(n).objNum), object position z(blast(n).objNum))
						move object blast(n).objNum, 0 - blast(n).dynColCheck - 2.0
						if tmpdist# > 0.01
							`yes!!!! rebels win!
							rebelVictory = 1
				blast(n).dynColCheck = 0
				if blast(n).dynColCheck > 5.0
					blast(n).live = 1
					blast(n).dynColCheck = 2.0
			if blast(n).maxDist > 1 and blast(n).traveledDist > blast(n).maxDist
				blast(n).exist = 0
				hide object blast(n).objNum
	next n
function resetBullets()
	for n = 1 to maxBlastObjects
		blast(n).exist = 0
		hide object blast(n).objNum
	next n
function fireBlast(sourceObj, color, offX as float, offY as float, offZ as float, bType as integer)
	local tmpIdx as integer
	tmpIdx = freeBlast()
	if tmpIdx > 0
		blast(tmpIdx).exist = 1
		blast(tmpIdx).vel = 1.5
		blast(tmpIdx).startTime = getTime()
		blast(tmpIdx).life = 5000
		blast(tmpIdx).traveledDist = 0
		blast(tmpIdx).maxDist = trenchLength * 10.0 * 2
		blast(tmpIdx).live = 0
		blast(tmpIdx).BType = bType
		blast(tmpIdx).dynColCheck = 0
		if color = 1
			colorBlast(blast(tmpIdx).objNum, redLaserImg)
			colorBlast(blast(tmpIdx).objNum, greenLaserImg)
		position object blast(tmpIdx).objNum, object position x(sourceObj),object position y(sourceObj),object position z(sourceObj)
		rotate object blast(tmpIdx).objNum, object angle x(sourceObj),object angle y(sourceObj),object angle z(sourceObj)
		show object blast(tmpIdx).objNum
		move object up blast(tmpIdx).objNum, offX
		move object right blast(tmpIdx).objNum, offY
		move object blast(tmpIdx).objNum, offZ
		tmpx = object position x(blast(tmpIdx).objNum)
		tmpy = object position y(blast(tmpIdx).objNum)
		tmpz = object position z(blast(tmpIdx).objNum)
		move object blast(tmpIdx).objNum, rayLen
		blast(tmpIdx).maxDist = intersectStatic(tmpx, tmpy, tmpz, object position x(blast(tmpIdx).objNum), object position y(blast(tmpIdx).objNum), object position z(blast(tmpIdx).objNum))
		move object blast(tmpIdx).objNum, 0-rayLen
function colorBlast(obj, img)
	texture limb obj, 1,img
	texture limb obj, 2,img
function freeBlast()
		inc i
		if blast(i).exist=0 then found=1
	until found = 1 or i >= maxBlastObjects
	if found = 0 then i = -1
endfunction i
function intesectTurret(x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#)
	local dist as float = 1000.0
	local tmp as float
	local turret as integer
	for i = 1 to turretMax
		if turrets(i).objNumBox > 0
			if object exist(turrets(i).objNumBox) = 1 and turrets(i).exist = 1
				tmp = intersect object(turrets(i).objNumBox, x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#)
				if dist > tmp and tmp > 0.01
					dist = tmp
					turret = i
							text 100,100,"Turret " + str$(turret) + " was hit..." + str$(dist)
						   il spacekey() = 1
	next i
endfunction turret
function intersectBridge(x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#)
	local dist as float = 1000.0
	local tmp as float
	for i = 1 to trenchLength
		for j = 1 to crossBridgeObjQty
			if crossBridges(i,j).objNum > 0
				if object exist(crossBridges(i,j).objNum) = 1
					tmp = intersect object(crossBridges(i,j).objNum, x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#)
					if dist > tmp and tmp > 0.01 then dist = tmp
		next j  
	next i
endfunction dist
function intersectTrench(x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#)
	local dist as float = 1000.0
	local tmp as float
	for i = 1 to trenchLength
		if trenchSqr(i).objNum > 0
			if object exist(trenchSqr(i).objNum) = 1
				tmp = intersect object(trenchSqr(i).objNum, x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#)
				if dist > tmp and tmp > 0.01 then dist = tmp
	next i
endfunction dist
function intersectStatic(x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#)
	local dist as float = 0.0
	local tmp as float
	dist = intersectBridge(x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#)
	tmp = intersectTrench(x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#)
	if dist < tmp then dist = tmp
endfunction dist
function intesectShip(x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#, hitDist#)
	local dist as float = 1000.0
	local tmp as float
	local tmp2 as float
	local ship as integer
	for n = 1 to maxShips
		if autoShips(n).exist = 1
			if object exist(autoShips(n).objNum) = 1 and autoShips(n).exist = 1
				`tmp = intersect object(autoShips(n).objNum, x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#)
				tmp = dCheck(x#, y#, z#, autoShips(n).objNum)
				tmp2 = dCheck(xto#, yto#, zto#, autoShips(n).objNum)
				if tmp2 < tmp then tmp = tmp2
				`if the ship is close enough, do an intersect test, else it gets to be to much 
				`of a tax on the system and a major slowdown.
				if tmp < hitDist#^2 * 2.0
					tmp = intersect object(autoShips(n).objNum, x#, y#, z#, xto#, yto#, zto#)
					if tmp < dist and tmp > 0.001
						ship = n
						dist = tmp
					`newMsg(99, "Intersect ship performed")
				`newMsg(99, "Hit Distance: " + str$(hitDist#^2 * 2.0) + " tmp: " + str$(tmp))
	next i
endfunction ship
function nearShip(ship,radius as float)
	local tmp as integer
	local tmpobj as integer
	tmp = -1
	for n = 1 to maxShips
		if autoShips(n).exist = 1 and n <> ship and autoships(n).side <> autoships(ship).side
			tmpobj = autoShips(ship).objNum
			if intersectZtarget(object position x(tmpobj),object position y(tmpobj),object position x(autoships(n).objNum), object position y(autoships(n).objNum), radius) = 1
				if object position z(tmpobj) < object position z(autoships(n).objNum)
					tmp = n
	next n
endfunction tmp
function intersectZtarget(x#,y#,cirx#, ciry#, cirr#)
	local rtrn as integer = 0
	local tmp as float
	tmp = (x# - cirx#)*(x# - cirx#) + (y# - ciry#)*(y# - ciry#)
	if tmp < cirr# * cirr#
		rtrn = 1
endfunction rtrn
function dCheck(x#, y#, z#, object)
	local tmpRtrn as float
	tmpRtrn = ((x# - object position x(object))*(x# - object position x(object)) + (y# - object position y(object))*(y# - object position y(object)) + (z# - object position z(object))*(z# - object position z(object)))
endfunction tmpRtrn
function GreenLaserTexture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local tmpXa as integer
	local tmpYa as integer
	local tmpXb as integer
	local tmpYb as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSize = 30
	ySize = 90
	create bitmap 1, xSize, ySize
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	for n = 0 to xSize
		tmpColor = int(sin((((n*1.0)/(xSize*1.0))*180.0))*255)
		ink rgb(tmpColor, 255, tmpColor),0
		line n, 0, n, ysize
	next n
	get image imgNum,0,0,xSize,ySize,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function RedLaserTexture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local tmpXa as integer
	local tmpYa as integer
	local tmpXb as integer
	local tmpYb as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSize = 30
	ySize = 90
	create bitmap 1, xSize, ySize
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	for n = 0 to xSize
		tmpColor = int(sin((((n*1.0)/(xSize*1.0))*180.0))*255)
		ink rgb(255, tmpColor, tmpColor),0
		line n, 0, n, ysize
	next n
	get image imgNum,0,0,xSize,ySize,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function BlockTexture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local colorOff as integer
	local BWScale as integer
	local sqrMaxSize as integer
	local tmpXa as integer
	local tmpYa as integer
	local tmpXb as integer
	local tmpYb as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSize = 255
	ySize = 255
	sqrMaxSize = 100
	BWScale = 100
	colorOff = 5
	create bitmap 1, xSize+40, ySize+40
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(175,175,175)
	for n = 1 to 100
		tmpColor = rnd(BWScale) - BWScale/2 + 200
		ink rgb(tmpColor + rnd(colorOff), tmpColor + rnd(colorOff), tmpColor + rnd(colorOff)),0
		tmpXa = rnd(xSize+40)
		tmpYa = rnd(ySize+40)
		tmpXb = rnd(sqrMaxSize)
		tmpYb = rnd(sqrMaxSize)
		box tmpXa, tmpYa, tmpXa+tmpXb, tmpYa+tmpYb
	next n
	get image imgNum,20,20,xSize+20,ySize+20,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function BWBlockTexture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local BWScale as integer
	local sqrMaxSize as integer
	local tmpXa as integer
	local tmpYa as integer
	local tmpXb as integer
	local tmpYb as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSize = 255
	ySize = 255
	sqrMaxSize = 100
	BWScale = 255
	create bitmap 1, xSize+40, ySize+40
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	for n = 1 to 200
		tmpColor = rnd(BWScale)
		ink rgb(tmpColor, tmpColor, tmpColor),0
		tmpXa = rnd(xSize+40)
		tmpYa = rnd(ySize+40)
		tmpXb = rnd(sqrMaxSize)
		tmpYb = rnd(sqrMaxSize)
		box tmpXa, tmpYa, tmpXa+tmpXb, tmpYa+tmpYb
	next n
	get image imgNum,20,20,xSize+20,ySize+20,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function ColorTexture(imgNum as integer, r as integer, g as integer, b as integer)
	create bitmap 1, 5, 5
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(r, g, b)
	get image imgNum,0,0,5,5,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function SolarGridTexture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local xSqrSize as integer
	local ySqrSize as integer
	local lineWidth as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSqrSize = 20
	ySqrSize = 20
	xSize = 200
	ySize = 200
	lineWidth = 2
	create bitmap 1, xSize+40, ySize+40
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(64,64,128)
	for n = 1 to xSize step xSqrSize
		for m = 1 to ySize step ySqrSize
			tmpColor = rnd(BWScale)
			ink rgb(20, 20, 20),0
			box n+lineWidth, m+lineWidth, n+xSqrSize, m+ySqrSize
		next m
	next n
	get image imgNum,0,0,xSize,ySize,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function WhiteStainedTexture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local sqrMaxSize as integer
	local tmpXa as integer
	local tmpYa as integer
	local tmpXb as integer
	local tmpYb as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSize = 255
	ySize = 255
	sqrMaxSize = 10
	create bitmap 1, xSize+40, ySize+40
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(200,200,200)
	for n = 1 to 5000
		tmp = 160+rnd(80)
		dot rnd(xSize+40),rnd(ySize+40), rgb(tmp,tmp,tmp)
	next n
	blur bitmap 1,1
	`stains...(or detail...)
	for n = 1 to 100
		tmpColor = 150 + rnd(100)
		ink rgb(tmpColor, 64, 64),0
		tmpXa = rnd(xSize+40)
		tmpYa = rnd(ySize+40)
		tmpXb = rnd(sqrMaxSize)
		tmpYb = rnd(sqrMaxSize*2)
		box tmpXa, tmpYa, tmpXa+tmpXb, tmpYa+tmpYb
	next n
	get image imgNum,20,20,xSize+20,ySize+20,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function StarsTexture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSize = 255
	ySize = 255
	create bitmap 1, xSize+40, ySize+40
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(10,10,10)
	seed = timer()
	randomize seed
	for n = 1 to 1000
		tmp = 100+rnd(80)
		dot rnd(xSize+40),rnd(ySize+40), rgb(tmp+rnd(10),tmp+rnd(10),tmp+rnd(10))
	next n
	`'backround mist =)
	blur bitmap 1,5
	randomize seed
	`detail stars...
	for n = 1 to 1000
		tmp = 215+rnd(40)
		dot rnd(xSize+40),rnd(ySize+40), rgb(tmp,tmp,tmp)
	next n
	get image imgNum,20,20,xSize+20,ySize+20,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function Blades2Texture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local tmpXa as integer
	local tmpYa as integer
	local tmpXb as integer
	local tmpYb as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSize = 30
	ySize = 90
	create bitmap 1, xSize, ySize
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	for n = 0 to xSize
		tmpColor = 255 - int(sin((((n*10.0)/(xSize*1.0))*180.0))*255)
		ink rgb(tmpColor, tmpColor, tmpColor),0
		line n, 0, n, ysize
	next n
	get image imgNum,0,0,xSize,ySize,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function ExplodeTexture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local sqrMaxSize as integer
	local tmpXa as integer
	local tmpYa as integer
	local tmpXb as integer
	local tmpYb as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSize = 255
	ySize = 255
	sqrMaxSize = 10
	create bitmap 1, xSize+40, ySize+40
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	`stains...(or detail...)
	for n = 1 to 200
		ink rgb(200+rnd(40),50+rnd(40),rnd(20)),0
		tmpXa = rnd(xSize+40)
		tmpYa = rnd(ySize+40)
		tmpXb = rnd(sqrMaxSize)
		tmpYb = rnd(sqrMaxSize*2)
		box tmpXa, tmpYa, tmpXa+tmpXb, tmpYa+tmpYb
	next n
	for n = 1 to 100
		ink rgb(190+rnd(60),120+rnd(80),rnd(20)), 0
		circle xSize/2+20,ySize/2+20, n*2.5
	next n
	blur bitmap 1,1
	for n = 1 to 5000
		dot rnd(xSize+40),rnd(ySize+40), rgb(190+rnd(60),120+rnd(80),rnd(20))
	next n
	blur bitmap 1,6
	for n = 1 to 180
		ink rgb(180-n,180-n,180-n), 0
		circle xSize/2+20,ySize/2+20, cos(sin(n/2.0+90)*180.0)*180.0
	next n
	blur bitmap 1,6
	get image imgNum,20,20,xSize+20,ySize+20,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function ShockWaveTexture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local tmpSize as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSize = 255
	ySize = 255
	create bitmap 1, xSize, ySize
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	`tmpSize = int(sqrt(xSize/2.0 + ySize/2.0))
	tmpSize = int(xSize/2.0)-1
	for n = 1 to tmpSize
		ink rgb(0,0,((n*1.0)/(1.0*tmpSize) * 255)), 0
		circle xSize/2,ySize/2, n
	next n
	`lock pixels
	for x = 1 to xSize
		for y = 1 to ySize
			tmpSize = sqrt((x-xSize/2)^2+(y-ySize/2)^2)
			if tmpSize < int(xSize/2.0)
				dot x, y, rgb(0,0,((tmpSize*1.0)/((1.0*xSize)/2.0) * 255))
		next y
	next x
	`blur bitmap 1,6
	get image imgNum,0,0,xSize,ySize,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function MessagePanalImg(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local xSqrSize as integer
	local ySqrSize as integer
	local lineWidth as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSqrSize = 10
	ySqrSize = 10
	xSize = 400
	ySize = 320
	lineWidth = 1
	create bitmap 1, xSize, ySize
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(200, 140, 0)
	for n = 1 to xSize step xSqrSize
		for m = 1 to ySize step ySqrSize
			ink rgb(0,0,0),0
			box n+lineWidth, m+lineWidth, n+xSqrSize, m+ySqrSize
		next m
	next n
	ink rgb(128,0,0),0
	line 1,1,xSize-1,1
	line 1,1,1,ySize-1
	line xSize-1,ySize-1,xSize-1, 1
	line xSize-1,ySize-1,1, ySize-1
	get image imgNum,0,0,xSize,ySize,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function SymbolButtonImg(imgNum as integer,txt as string)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	xSize = 20
	ySize = 20
	create bitmap 1, xSize, ySize
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(200, 140, 0)
	for n = 0 to 9
			if n > 4
				ink rgb(128,128,128),0
				ink rgb(n*30+8,n*30+8,n*30+8),0
			box n, n, xSize - n, ySize - n
	next n
	ink rgb(128,0,0),0
	center text 10,2,txt
	get image imgNum,0,0,xSize,ySize,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function DeathStarTexture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local xSqrSize as integer
	local ySqrSize as integer
	local lineWidth as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSqrSize = 40
	ySqrSize = 40
	xSize = 400
	ySize = 400
	lineWidth = 2
	create bitmap 1, xSize, ySize
	set current bitmap 1
	cls RGB(43,47,51)
	`gridded texture
	for n = 1 to xSize step xSqrSize
		for m = 1 to ySize step ySqrSize
			tmpColor = rnd(BWScale)
			ink RGB(68,72,81),0
			box n+lineWidth, m+lineWidth, n+xSqrSize, m+ySqrSize
		next m
	next n
	for n = 1 to 5000
		dot rnd(xSize+40),rnd(ySize+40), rgb(43+rnd(30),47+rnd(30),51+rnd(30))
	next n
	`the trench...
	ink RGB(78,82,91),0
	box 0, ySize/2-4, xSize, ySize/2 + 3
	ink RGB(43,47,51),0
	box 0, ySize/2-3, xSize, ySize/2 + 2
	`the infamous dish...
	for x = 1 to xSize
		for y = 1 to ySize
			tmpSize = sqrt((x-xSize/2)^2+(y-ySize/4)^2)
			if tmpSize < int(ySize/10.0)
				dot x, y, rgb(((tmpSize*1.0)/((1.0*xSize)/2.0) * 68 + 15),((tmpSize*1.0)/((1.0*xSize)/2.0) * 72 + 15),((tmpSize*1.0)/((1.0*xSize)/2.0) * 81 + 15) )
		next y
	next x
	get image imgNum,0,0,xSize,ySize,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function BlockEndTexture(imgNum as integer)
	local xSize as integer
	local ySize as integer
	local colorOff as integer
	local BWScale as integer
	local sqrMaxSize as integer
	local tmpXa as integer
	local tmpYa as integer
	local tmpXb as integer
	local tmpYb as integer
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	xSize = 255
	ySize = 255
	sqrMaxSize = 100
	BWScale = 100
	colorOff = 5
	create bitmap 1, xSize+40, ySize+40
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(175,175,175)
	for n = 1 to 100
		tmpColor = rnd(BWScale) - BWScale/2 + 200
		ink rgb(tmpColor + rnd(colorOff), tmpColor + rnd(colorOff), tmpColor + rnd(colorOff)),0
		tmpXa = rnd(xSize+40)
		tmpYa = rnd(ySize+40)
		tmpXb = rnd(sqrMaxSize)
		tmpYb = rnd(sqrMaxSize)
		box tmpXa, tmpYa, tmpXa+tmpXb, tmpYa+tmpYb
	next n
	`End target hole...
	for x = 1 to xSize
		for y = 1 to ySize
			tmpSize = sqrt((x-xSize/2)^2+(y-ySize/4)^2)
			if tmpSize < int(ySize/10.0)
				dot x+20, y+20, rgb(((tmpSize*1.0)/((1.0*xSize)/2.0) * 68 + 15),((tmpSize*1.0)/((1.0*xSize)/2.0) * 72 + 15),((tmpSize*1.0)/((1.0*xSize)/2.0) * 81 + 15) )
		next y
	next x
	get image imgNum,20,20,xSize+20,ySize+20,0
	delete bitmap 1
	set current bitmap 0
function createXwingfighter(objnum as integer, size as float)
	local tmpImg as integer
	local tmpLmb as integer
	local tmpObj as integer
	local tmpMesh as integer
	local tmpMeshII as integer
	local tmpMeshIII as integer
	`base object...
	make object plain objnum, 0, 0
	scale object objnum, 100,100,100
	tmpObj = freeObject()
	tmpMesh = freeMesh()
	tmpLmb = 0
	`main body...
	MemblockMeshTCone(tmpMesh, 6, 2, 6, 20)
	inc tmpLmb
	add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
	rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, 90,0,90
	offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0,0,-10
	scale limb objNum, tmpLmb,100,100,150
	texture limb objNum, tmpLmb,XwingImg  
	delete mesh tmpMesh
	MemblockMeshCone(tmpMesh, 6, 6, 2)
	inc tmpLmb
	add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
	rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, 90,180,90
	offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0,0,-10
	scale limb objNum, tmpLmb,100,100,150
	texture limb objNum, tmpLmb,XwingImg  
	delete mesh tmpMesh
	`stub end...
	MemblockMeshTCone(tmpMesh, 6, 2, 4, 2)
	inc tmpLmb
	add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
	rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, -90,0,90
	offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0,0,10
	scale limb objNum, tmpLmb,100,100,150
	texture limb objNum, tmpLmb,XwingImg 
	delete mesh tmpMesh
	MemblockMeshTCone(tmpMesh, 6, 4, 2, 4)
	inc tmpLmb
	add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
	rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, -90,0,90
	offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0,0,14
	scale limb objNum, tmpLmb,100,100,150
	texture limb objNum, tmpLmb,XwingImg  
	delete mesh tmpMesh
	`cap on the end...
	MemblockMeshCone(tmpMesh, 6, 2, 1)
	inc tmpLmb
	add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
	rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, -270,0,90
	offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0,0,14
	scale limb objNum, tmpLmb,100,100,150
	texture limb objNum, tmpLmb,XwingImg  
	delete mesh tmpMesh
	MemblockMeshCone(tmpMesh, 6, 5, 3.5)
	inc tmpLmb
	add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
	`rotate limb objnum, 5, -270,0,90
	scale limb objnum, tmpLmb, 90, 100,200
	offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0,0,2
	tmpImg = freeImage()
	ColorTexture(tmpImg, 32, 32, 32)
	texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpImg
	delete mesh tmpMesh
	`########## fine above this point ###############
	`a solid colored texture:
	tmpImg = freeImage()
	ColorTexture(tmpImg, 192, 192, 192)
	`wings Ahoy!!!
	`first WING >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
		make object box tmpObj, 20,0.25,5
		make mesh from object tmpMesh, tmpObj
		delete object tmpObj
		inc tmpLmb
		add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
		offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 10,2,-5
		rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0, -10, 10
		texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
		`now for wingtips and engines
		`meshes ----------------------------------------
		delete mesh tmpMesh
		MemblockMeshCone(tmpMesh, 5, 1, 12)
		tmpMeshII = freeMesh()
		`and engines ... wow... to many limbs, ya know Xwings are a LOT more complicated than TIE fighters
		MemblockMeshHalfTCone(tmpMeshII, 8, 5, 5, 7)
		tmpMeshIII = freeMesh()
		MemblockMeshHalfTCone(tmpMeshIII, 8, 0, 5, -1)
		`now construct ---------------------------------
			`one wing tip...
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,10,0,-2
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,0
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,10,0,-2
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,180,0
			scale limb objnum, tmpLmb,100,20,100
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpImg
			delete mesh tmpMesh
			make object plain tmpObj,5,6
			make mesh from object tmpMesh,tmpObj
			delete object tmpObj
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, 90,0,0
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0,0,-1.5
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,-4.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,90
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshIII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,2.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,90
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, bladeImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshIII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,-4.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,-90,0,90
			scale limb objnum,tmpLmb,100,0,100
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, bladeImg
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-5
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-4
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-3
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-2
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-1
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb
		`clean up...
			delete mesh tmpMesh
			delete mesh tmpMeshII
			delete mesh tmpMeshIII
	`Second Wing <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
		make object box tmpObj, 20,0.25,5
		make mesh from object tmpMesh, tmpObj
		delete object tmpObj
		inc tmpLmb
		add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
		offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 10,-2,-5
		rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0, -10, -10
		texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
				`now for wingtips and engines
		`meshes ----------------------------------------
		delete mesh tmpMesh
		MemblockMeshCone(tmpMesh, 5, 1, 12)
		tmpMeshII = freeMesh()
		`and engines ... wow... to many limbs, ya know Xwings are a LOT more complicated than TIE fighters
		MemblockMeshHalfTCone(tmpMeshII, 8, 5, 5, 7)
		tmpMeshIII = freeMesh()
		MemblockMeshHalfTCone(tmpMeshIII, 8, 0, 5, -1)
		`now construct ---------------------------------
			`one wing tip...
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,10,0,-2
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,0
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,10,0,-2
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,180,0
			scale limb objnum, tmpLmb,100,20,100
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpImg
			delete mesh tmpMesh
			make object plain tmpObj,5,6
			make mesh from object tmpMesh,tmpObj
			delete object tmpObj
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, -90,0,0
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0,0,-1.5
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,-4.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,-90
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshIII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,2.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,-90
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, bladeImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshIII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,-4.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,-90,0,-90
			scale limb objnum,tmpLmb,100,0,100
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, bladeImg
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-5
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-4
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-3
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-2
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-1
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb
		`clean up...
			delete mesh tmpMesh
			delete mesh tmpMeshII
			delete mesh tmpMeshIII
	`Third Wing #####################################
		make object box tmpObj, 20,0.25,5
		make mesh from object tmpMesh, tmpObj
		delete object tmpObj
		inc tmpLmb
		add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
		offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, -10,-2,-5
		rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0, 10, 10
		texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
		`now for wingtips and engines
		`meshes ----------------------------------------
		delete mesh tmpMesh
		MemblockMeshCone(tmpMesh, 5, 1, 12)
		tmpMeshII = freeMesh()
		`and engines ... wow... to many limbs, ya know Xwings are a LOT more complicated than TIE fighters
		MemblockMeshHalfTCone(tmpMeshII, 8, 5, 5, 7)
		tmpMeshIII = freeMesh()
		MemblockMeshHalfTCone(tmpMeshIII, 8, 0, 5, -1)
		`now construct ---------------------------------
			`one wing tip...
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,-10,0,-2
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,0
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,-10,0,-2
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,180,0
			scale limb objnum, tmpLmb,100,20,100
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpImg
			delete mesh tmpMesh
			make object plain tmpObj,5,6
			make mesh from object tmpMesh,tmpObj
			delete object tmpObj
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, -90,0,0
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0,0,-1.5
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,-4.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,-90
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshIII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,2.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,-90
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, bladeImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshIII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,-4.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,-90,0,-90
			scale limb objnum,tmpLmb,100,0,100
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, bladeImg
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-5
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-4
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-3
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-2
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-1
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb
		`clean up...
			delete mesh tmpMesh
			delete mesh tmpMeshII
			delete mesh tmpMeshIII
	`fourth Wing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
		make object box tmpObj, 20,0.25,5
		make mesh from object tmpMesh, tmpObj
		delete object tmpObj
		inc tmpLmb
		add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
		offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, -10,2,-5
		rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0, 10, -10
		texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
						`now for wingtips and engines
		`meshes ----------------------------------------
		delete mesh tmpMesh
		MemblockMeshCone(tmpMesh, 5, 1, 12)
		tmpMeshII = freeMesh()
		`and engines ... wow... to many limbs, ya know Xwings are a LOT more complicated than TIE fighters
		MemblockMeshHalfTCone(tmpMeshII, 8, 5, 5, 7)
		tmpMeshIII = freeMesh()
		MemblockMeshHalfTCone(tmpMeshIII, 8, 0, 5, -1)
		`now construct ---------------------------------
			`one wing tip...
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,-10,0,-2
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,0
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,-10,0,-2
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,180,0
			scale limb objnum, tmpLmb,100,20,100
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpImg
			delete mesh tmpMesh
			make object plain tmpObj,5,6
			make mesh from object tmpMesh,tmpObj
			delete object tmpObj
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMesh
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb, 90,0,0
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb, 0,0,-1.5
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,-4.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,90
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, XwingImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshIII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,2.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,90,0,90
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, bladeImg
			inc tmpLmb
			add limb objnum, tmpLmb, tmpMeshIII
			offset limb objnum, tmpLmb,0,0,-4.5
			rotate limb objnum, tmpLmb,-90,0,90
			scale limb objnum,tmpLmb,100,0,100
			texture limb objnum, tmpLmb, bladeImg
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-5
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-4
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-3
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-2
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb-1
			link limb objnum, tmpLmb-6, tmpLmb
		`clean up...
			delete mesh tmpMesh
			delete mesh tmpMeshII
			delete mesh tmpMeshIII
	scale object objnum, size*2.50,size*2.50,size*2.50
	set object cull objnum, 1
	set object diffuse objnum, rgb(0,0,0)
	set object emissive objnum, rgb(175,175,175)
		set object collision to boxes objnum
	local angle as float
	local tmpTex as integer
	angle = 0
		inc angle, 0.1
		position camera sin(angle)*25, 20, cos(angle)*25
		point camera 0,0,0
function createTIEfighter(objnum as integer, size as float)
		local tmpObj as integer
	local tmpMesh as integer
	`base object...
	make object sphere objnum, 5
	scale object objnum, 100,100,100
	texture object objnum, gridImg
	tmpObj = freeObject()
	tmpMesh = freeMesh()
	make object cylinder tmpObj, 100
	make mesh from object tmpMesh, tmpObj
	delete object tmpObj
	add limb objnum, 1, tmpMesh : delete mesh tmpMesh
	scale limb objnum,1, 2,10,2
	rotate limb objnum,1,90,90,0
	tmpImg = freeImage()
	ColorTexture(tmpImg, 64, 64, 70)
	texture limb objnum, 1, tmpImg
	`square part of wings...
	`make object plain tmpObj, 5, 10
	MemblockMeshPlain(tmpMesh, 5, 10)
	add limb objnum, 2, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 2, -5,0,0
	rotate limb objnum, 2, 0,90,90
	texture limb objnum, 2,gridImg
	add limb objnum, 3, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 3, 5,0,0
	rotate limb objnum, 3, 0,90,90
	texture limb objnum, 3,gridImg
	delete mesh tmpMesh
	`now the trapazoidal sides...
	MemblockMeshTrapazoid(tmpMesh, 10, 5, 5)
	add limb objnum, 4, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 4, -5,5,0
	rotate limb objnum, 4, 0,0,90
	texture limb objnum, 4,gridImg
	add limb objnum, 5, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 5, -5,-5,0
	rotate limb objnum, 5, 0,180,90
	texture limb objnum, 5,gridImg
	add limb objnum, 6, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 6, 5,5,0
	rotate limb objnum, 6, 0,0,90
	texture limb objnum, 6,gridImg
	add limb objnum, 7, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 7, 5,-5,0
	rotate limb objnum, 7, 0,180,90
	texture limb objnum, 7,gridImg
	scale object objnum, size*10.0,size*10.0,size*10.0
	set object collision to boxes objnum
	local angle as float
	angle = 0
		inc angle, 0.1
		position camera sin(angle)*25, 20, cos(angle)*25
		point camera 0,0,0
function createSkyBox(objNum as integer, size)
	local tmpObj as integer
	local tmpMesh as integer
	make object plain objnum, 0,0
	tmpObj = freeObject()
	tmpMesh = freeMesh()
	make object plain tmpObj, 100,100
	make mesh from object tmpMesh,tmpObj
	delete object tmpObj
	add limb objnum, 1, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 1, 0,0,-50
	add limb objnum, 2, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 2, 0,0,50
	rotate limb objnum, 2, 0,180,0
	add limb objnum, 3, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 3, 50,0,0
	rotate limb objnum, 3, 0,270,0
	add limb objnum, 4, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 4, -50,0,0
	rotate limb objnum, 4, 0,90,0
	add limb objnum, 5, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 5, 0,50,0
	rotate limb objnum, 5, 90,0,0
	add limb objnum, 6, tmpMesh
	offset limb objnum, 6, 0,-50,0
	rotate limb objnum, 6, 270,0,0
	delete mesh tmpMesh
	scale object objNum, size, size, size
	set object light objNum, 0
	set object fog objNum, 0
function MemblockMeshCone(mesh as integer, density as integer, size as float, height as float)
	local memblock as integer
   local vertexCount as integer
   local offset as integer
   memblock = FreeMemblock()
   make memblock memblock, 12 + (32 * density * 3)
   write memblock dword memblock, 0, 275
   write memblock dword memblock, 4, 32
   write memblock dword memblock, 8, density * 3
   offset = 12
   for i = 1 to density
      `write poly one-------------------------------------
         writeVertex275(memblock, offset   , sin((i-1.0)*360.0/density)*size/2.0,      0, cos((i-1.0)*360.0/density)*size/2.0,   cos((i-1.0)*360.0/density*1.0), 0, sin((i-1.0)*360.0/density), (i-1.0)/density    , 1.0)
         writeVertex275(memblock, offset+32, sin((i*1.0)*360.0/density)*size/2.0,      0, cos((i*1.0)*360.0/density)*size/2.0,   cos((i*1.0)*360.0/density*1.0), 0, sin((i*1.0)*360.0/density), (i*1.0)/density    , 1.0)
         writeVertex275(memblock, offset+64, 0                                  , height, 0                                  ,   cos((i*1.0)*360.0/density*1.0), 0, sin((i*1.0)*360.0/density), (i-1.0)/(density-1), 0.0)
         inc offset, 96
   next i
   make mesh from memblock mesh, memblock
   delete memblock memblock
function MemblockMeshTrapazoid(mesh as integer, widthA as float, widthB as float, height as float)
	local memblock as integer
   local vertexCount as integer
   local offset as integer
   local highestWidth as float
   if widthA >= widthB then highestWidth = widthA
   if widthB >= widthA then highestWidth = widthB
   memblock = FreeMemblock()
   make memblock memblock, 12 + (32 * 4 * 3)
   write memblock dword memblock, 0, 275
   write memblock dword memblock, 4, 32
   write memblock dword memblock, 8, 12
   offset = 12
      `write poly one and two  and invert-------------------------------------
      	`fliped UV
         writeVertex275(memblock, offset    , height/-2.0, 0, widthA/-2.0, 0,  1, 0, 0.5 - widthA/(highestWidth*2.0), 1.0)
         writeVertex275(memblock, offset+32 , height/-2.0, 0, widthA/2.0 , 0,  1, 0, 0.5 + widthA/(highestWidth*2.0), 1.0)
         writeVertex275(memblock, offset+64 , height/2.0 , 0, widthB/-2.0, 0,  1, 0, 0.5 - widthB/(highestWidth*2.0), 0.0)
			inc offset, 96                                                                
			writeVertex275(memblock, offset    , height/-2.0, 0, widthA/2.0 , 0,  1, 0, 1.0, 0.5 + widthA/(highestWidth*2.