REM Project: Hunting
REM Created: 10/11/2005 20:33:09
REM ***** Main Source File *****
sync on
sync rate 60
autocam off
set camera range 0.5,500
global speed# = 0.4
global turnspeed# = 0.2
global anglex#
global angley#
global xmovement#
global zmovement#
global launch
global ClickBounce
global CurrentSpear = 0
global state = 0
global targetX
global targetY
global targetZ
global beasthealth = 100
global playerhealth = 100
type XYZ
   X as Float
   Y as Float
   Z as Float
type projectile
   Pos as XYZ
   Velocity as XYZ
   Rot as XYZ
   Object as Integer
GLOBAL currentfreeparticle
GLOBAL debouncemouseclick
GLOBAL currenteffect
type vertex
   X as float
   Y as float
   Z as float
type redgreenblue
   Red as float
   Green as float
   Blue as float
sync on
sync rate 60
type particle
   Pos as vertex
   PosVel as vertex
   PosAcc as vertex
   Rot as vertex
   RotVel as vertex
   Scale as Float
   ScaleVel as Float
   Lifetime as Float
   Active as Boolean
   Gravity as Boolean
   Facing as Boolean
   UOffset as Float
   VOffset as Float
   Object as Integer
   ColourBlend as Boolean
   Colour as redgreenblue
   ColourVel as redgreenblue
dim Particles(NUMPARTICLES) as particle
type particleemitter
   Pos as vertex
   Lifetime as Float
   Active as Boolean
   Repeatrate as Float
   Repeattime as Float
   EffectType as Integer
dim ParticleEmitters(0) as particleemitter
currenteffect = 1
create bitmap 2,8,8
set current bitmap 2
ink rgb(150,80,10),0
box 0,0,8,8
ink rgb(255,128,50),0
line 0,0,4,0
ink rgb(30,15,0),0
line 3,3,8,3
get image 1,0,0,8,8
ink rgb(60,60,60),0
box 0,0,8,8
for i = 0 to 3
   dot rnd(7),rnd(7),rgb(128,128,128)
next i
get image 2,0,0,8,8
ink rgb(0,100,0),0
box 0,0,8,8
get image 3,0,0,8,8
ink 0,0
box 0,0,8,8
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
for i = 0 to 4
   dot rnd(8),rnd(8)
next i
get image 4,0,0,8,8
delete bitmap 2
set current bitmap 0
rem ***************** SPEAR MAKING *****************
tempspear = 43
make object cylinder tempspear,0.10
scale object tempspear,100,1800,100
position object tempspear,15,5,10
tempspear2 = 42
make object cylinder tempspear2,0.10
scale object tempspear2,100,1800,100
position object tempspear2,15,5,10
speardummy2 = 40
make object sphere speardummy2,0.3,3,3
scale object speardummy2,100,200,100
make mesh from object 3,tempspear
delete object tempspear
add limb speardummy2,1,3
link limb speardummy2,0,1
offset limb speardummy2,1,0,-1,0
texture limb speardummy2,1,1
texture limb speardummy2,0,2
global spear as projectile
spear.Object = 40
position object spear.Object, 1,0,0
set object cull spear.Object,0
rotate object spear.Object,90,0,0
fix object pivot spear.Object
speardummy = 41
make object sphere speardummy,0.3,3,3
scale object speardummy,100,200,100
make mesh from object 2,tempspear2
delete object tempspear2
add limb speardummy,1,2
link limb speardummy,0,1
offset limb speardummy,1,0,-1,0
texture limb speardummy,1,1
texture limb speardummy,0,2
rem ***************** END OF SPEAR MAKING
temp = 10
make object sphere temp,8
position object temp,0,5,20
scale object temp,100,90,100
temp2 = 11
make object sphere temp2,4
position object temp2,0,4,16
temp3 = 12
temp4 = 13
temp5 = 14
temp6 = 15
make object cylinder temp3,4
position object temp3,1.5,2,18.5
scale object temp3,60,100,60
make object cylinder temp4,4
position object temp4,-1.5,2,18.5
scale object temp4,60,100,60
make object cylinder temp5,4
position object temp5,1.5,2,22
scale object temp5,60,100,60
make object cylinder temp6,4
position object temp6,-1.5,2,22
scale object temp6,60,100,60
texture object temp,3
texture object temp2,3
texture object temp3,3
texture object temp4,3
texture object temp5,3
texture object temp6,3
make mesh from object 10,temp2      `Head
make mesh from object 11,temp3      `Leg
make object cube 16,1
make mesh from object 12,16         `Dummy object
delete object 16
add limb temp,1,10
link limb temp,0,1
offset limb temp,1,0,-1,4
delete object temp2
add limb temp,2,12      `add a dummy object for first leg - limb2
link limb temp,0,2      `adds to the body limb (0)
offset limb temp,2,1.5,-1,-1.5
add limb temp,3,11
link limb temp,2,3
offset limb temp,3,0,-2.5,0
delete object temp3
add limb temp,4,12      `add dummy for second leg (front right) - limb 4
link limb temp,0,4      `add to body (0)
offset limb temp,4,-1.5,-1,-1.5
add limb temp,5,11      `second leg object (5)
link limb temp,4,5
offset limb temp,5,0,-2.5,0
delete object temp4
add limb temp,6,12
link limb temp,0,6
offset limb temp,6,1.5,-1,2
add limb temp,7,11
link limb temp,6,7
offset limb temp,7,0,-2.5,0
delete object temp5
add limb temp,8,12
link limb temp,0,8
offset limb temp,8,-1.5,-1,2
add limb temp,9,11
link limb temp,8,9
offset limb temp,9,0,-2.5,0
delete object temp6
texture limb temp,3,3
texture limb temp,5,3
texture limb temp,7,3
texture limb temp,9,3
texture limb temp,1,3
beastie = temp
set object collision on beastie
set object collision to polygons beastie
make object plain 3,1000,1000
rotate object 3,-90,0,0
color object 3,rgb(0,128,0)
texture object 3,3
color backdrop rgb(30,40,255)
global thrownspear as projectile
thrownspear.Object = 41
position object thrownspear.Object, spear.Pos.X, spear.Pos.Y, spear.Pos.Z
set object cull thrownspear.Object,0
rotate object thrownspear.Object,90,0,0
fix object pivot thrownspear.Object
rotate object thrownspear.Object, object angle x(spear.Object),object angle y(spear.Object),object angle z(spear.Object)
hide object thrownspear.Object
hide mouse
`********************MAIN LOOP*******************
`rotate the beastie
`yrotate object 10,wrapvalue(object angle y(10)+1)
text 5,30,"Enemy health"
text screen width()-110,30,"Player health"
ink 0,0
box 0+1,1,100+8,24
box screen width()-100-9,1,screen width()-1,24
ink rgb(255,0,0),0
box 0+5,5,beasthealth+5,20
box screen width()-playerhealth-5,5,screen width()-5,20
`print "Camera Pos:",camera position x(),",",camera position y(),",",camera position z()
`print "Launch Pos:",tempX#,", ",tempY#,", ",tempZ#
`print "Spear Pos:",object position x(thrownspear.Object),", ",object position y(thrownspear.Object),", ",object position z(thrownspear.Object)
`print "Beasty rotation:",object angle y(2)
disttotarg = get_distancesquaredpos(10,targetX,targetY,targetZ)
if state = 0
   targetX = camera position x()
   targetY = camera position y()
   targetZ = camera position z()
   state = 1
if state = 1
   if (disttotarg > 50)
      rotate limb temp,2,sin(timer()/3)*9,0,0
      rotate limb temp,4,-sin(timer()/3)*9,0,0
      rotate limb temp,6,-sin(timer()/3)*9,0,0
      rotate limb temp,8,sin(timer()/3)*9,0,0
      state = 0
distfromplayer = get_distancesquaredpos(10,camera position x(),camera position y(),camera position z())
if distfromplayer < 50
   playerhealth = playerhealth - rnd(1)
`if distfromplayer < 700
   `rotate camera camera angle x()+rnd((700-dist)/100)-((700-dist)/200), camera angle y()+rnd((700-dist)/100)-((700-dist)/200),0
if playerhealth < 0
   box 0,0,screen width(),screen height()
   ink 0,0
   for i = 0 to 50
      text rnd(screen width()),rnd(screen height()),"YOU DIED"
   next i
   wait key
if beasthealth < 0
   ink 0,0
   for i = 0 to 50
      ink rgb(rnd(255),rnd(255),rnd(255)),0
      text rnd(screen width()),rnd(screen height()),"YOU WON!"
   next i
   wait key
`****************END OF MAIN LOOP**************
`Position the Spear close enough to the player to look held in the hand.
function Position_HUDSpear()
   AtX# = -0.6     `The offset for the spear object.
   AtY# = 0.1
   AtZ# = 1.5
   temp# = (Cos( Camera Angle X()) * AtY#) - (Sin(Camera Angle X()) * AtZ#)
   AtZ# = (Sin(Camera Angle X()) * AtY#) + (Cos(Camera Angle X()) * AtZ#)
   AtY# = temp#
   temp# = (Cos(Camera Angle Y()) * AtX#) + (Sin(Camera Angle Y()) * AtZ#)
   AtZ# = (Cos(Camera Angle Y()) * AtZ#) - (Sin(Camera Angle Y()) * AtX#)
   AtX# = temp#
   spear.Pos.X = Camera Position X() + AtX#
   spear.Pos.Y = Camera Position Y() + AtY#
   spear.Pos.Z = Camera Position Z() + AtZ#
   Position Object spear.Object, spear.Pos.X, spear.Pos.Y, spear.Pos.Z
   Rotate Object spear.Object, wrapvalue(Camera Angle X()-20), Camera Angle Y(), Camera Angle Z()
function MouseLook()
position mouse 320,240
   `forwards (w)
   if keystate(17)=1
      xmovement# = newxvalue(xmovement#,wrapvalue(camera angle y()),speed#)
      zmovement# = newzvalue(zmovement#,wrapvalue(camera angle y()),speed#)
   `backwards (s)
   if keystate(31)=1
      xmovement# = newxvalue(xmovement#,wrapvalue(camera angle y()-180),speed#)
      zmovement# = newzvalue(zmovement#,wrapvalue(camera angle y()-180),speed#)
   `left (a)
   if keystate(30)=1
      xmovement# = newxvalue(xmovement#,wrapvalue(camera angle y()-90),speed#)
      zmovement# = newzvalue(zmovement#,wrapvalue(camera angle y()-90),speed#)
   `right (d)
   if keystate(32)=1
      xmovement# = newxvalue(xmovement#,wrapvalue(camera angle y()+90),speed#)
      zmovement# = newzvalue(zmovement#,wrapvalue(camera angle y()+90),speed#)
   position camera xmovement#,1,zmovement#
   anglex# = wrapvalue( anglex# + mousemovey() * turnspeed#)
   angley# = wrapvalue( angley# + mousemovex() * turnspeed#)
   set cursor 0,0
   rem stops mouse from going upside down
   if anglex# < 180 AND anglex# > 90 then anglex# = 90
   if anglex# < 270 AND anglex# > 180 then anglex# = 270
   rotate camera 0,anglex#, angley#, 0
function spearvelocity()
   VelX# = 0
   VelY# = 0
   VelZ# = 0.2
   temp# = (Cos(Object Angle X(spear.Object)) * VelY#) - (Sin(Object Angle X(spear.Object)) * VelZ#)
   VelZ# = (Sin(Object Angle X(spear.Object)) * VelY#) + (Cos(Object Angle X(spear.Object)) * VelZ#)
   VelY# = temp#
   temp# = (Cos(Object Angle Y(spear.Object)) * VelX#) + (Sin(Object Angle Y(spear.Object)) * VelZ#)
   VelZ# = (Cos(Object Angle Y(spear.Object)) * VelZ#) - (Sin(Object Angle Y(spear.Object)) * VelX#)
   VelX# = temp#
   thrownspear.Velocity.X = VelX#
   thrownspear.Velocity.Y = VelY#
   thrownspear.Velocity.Z = VelZ#
function resetspear()
show object spear.Object
hide object thrownspear.Object
launch = 0
function fixatanfu()
   FixX# = thrownspear.Velocity.X
   FixY# = thrownspear.Velocity.Y
   FixZ# = thrownspear.Velocity.Z
   temp# = (Cos(-Object Angle Y(spear.Object)) * FixX#) + (Sin(-Object Angle Y(spear.Object)) * FixZ#)
   FixZ# = (Cos(-Object Angle Y(spear.Object)) * FixZ#) - (Sin(-Object Angle Y(spear.Object)) * FixX#)
   FixX# = temp#
   local_z# = FixX#
   local_y# = FixY#
   local_z# = FixZ#
   curverot# = atanfull (local_z#,local_y#)
endfunction curverot#
function throwspear()
thrownspear.Pos.X = object position x(thrownspear.Object)
thrownspear.Pos.Y = object position y(thrownspear.Object)
thrownspear.Pos.Z = object position z(thrownspear.Object)
`******************************* THROW THE SPEAR ***********************
if mouseclick() = 1 AND ClickBounce = 0
   show object thrownspear.Object
   thrownspear.Pos.X = object position x(spear.Object)
   thrownspear.Pos.Y = object position y(spear.Object)
   thrownspear.Pos.Z = object position z(spear.Object)
   position object thrownspear.Object, thrownspear.Pos.X, thrownspear.Pos.Y, thrownspear.Pos.Z
   rotate object thrownspear.Object, object angle x(spear.Object),object angle y(spear.Object),object angle z(spear.Object)
   hide object spear.Object
   tempX# = thrownspear.Pos.X
   tempY# = thrownspear.Pos.Y
   tempZ# = thrownspear.Pos.Z
   ClickBounce = 1
   launch = 1
if mouseclick() = 0
   ClickBounce = 0
if launch = 1
   turnything# = fixatanfu()
   thrownspear.Rot.X = wrapvalue(turnything#-90.0)
   thrownspear.Rot.Y = object angle Y(thrownspear.Object)
   thrownspear.Rot.Z = object angle Z(thrownspear.Object)
   thrownspear.Pos.X = thrownspear.Pos.X + thrownspear.Velocity.X
   thrownspear.Pos.Y = thrownspear.Pos.Y + thrownspear.Velocity.Y
   thrownspear.Pos.Z = thrownspear.Pos.Z + thrownspear.Velocity.Z
   position object thrownspear.Object, thrownspear.Pos.X, thrownspear.Pos.Y, thrownspear.Pos.Z
   xrotate object thrownspear.Object, thrownspear.Rot.X
   thrownspear.Velocity.Y = thrownspear.Velocity.Y - (0.1/60.0)
if mouseclick() = 2 AND launch > 0
   unglue object thrownspear.Object
function checkspearcollision()
   if object position y(thrownspear.Object) < 0.1
      launch = 2
   if object collision (thrownspear.Object,10) = 1
      hitposX# = object position x(thrownspear.Object)
      hitposY# = object position y(thrownspear.Object)
      hitposZ# = object position z(thrownspear.Object)
      hitposoffsetX# = hitposX#-object position x(10)
      hitposoffsetY# = hitposY#-object position y(10)
      hitposoffsetZ# = hitposZ#-object position z(10)
      temp# = (Cos(-Object Angle Y(10)) * hitposoffsetX#) + (Sin(-Object Angle Y(10)) * hitposoffsetZ#)
      hitposoffsetZ# = (Cos(-Object Angle Y(10)) * hitposoffsetZ#) - (Sin(-Object Angle Y(10)) * hitposoffsetX#)
      hitposoffsetX# = temp#
      position object thrownspear.Object,hitposoffsetX#,hitposoffsetY#,hitposoffsetZ#
      yrotate object thrownspear.Object,object angle y(thrownspear.Object)-Object Angle Y(10)
      glue object to limb thrownspear.Object,10,0
      beasthealth = beasthealth - rnd(3)-2
      launch = 2
function beastie_move(beastienum,targX#,targY#,targZ#)
   PosX# = object position x(beastienum)
   PosZ# = object position z(beastienum)
   MoveX# = -sin(-Object Angle Y(beastienum)) * 0.2
   MoveZ# = cos(-Object Angle Y(beastienum)) * 0.2
   `Update the positions in the X and Z using the vector.
   `Do the rotation
   XDiff = targX# - Object Position X(beastienum)
   ZDiff = targZ# - Object Position Z(beastienum)
   angle# = ATanFull(XDiff, ZDiff)
   angle# = WrapValue(angle#)
   AngleDiff# = Object Angle Y(beastienum) - angle#
   while (AngleDiff# < -180)
      AngleDiff# = AngleDiff# + 360
   while (AngleDiff# > 180)
      AngleDiff# = AngleDiff# - 360
   YRotate Object beastienum,Object Angle Y(beastienum) - (AngleDiff#/40)
   position object beastienum,PosX#,5,PosZ#
function get_distancesquaredpos(object1,obj2x#,obj2y#,obj2z#)
   obj1x# = object position x(object1)
   obj1y# = object position y(object1)
   obj1z# = object position z(object1)
   distancesquared# = ((obj1x#-obj2x#)*(obj1x#-obj2x#)) + ((obj1y#-obj2y#)*(obj1y#-obj2y#)) + ((obj1z#-obj2z#)*(obj1z#-obj2z#))
endfunction distancesquared#
Function update_particles()
   for i = 0 to array count(Particles())
      if Particles(i).Active = 1
         if Particles(i).Gravity = 1
            Particles(i).PosVel.Y = Particles(i).PosVel.Y - (9.81 * TIMEPASSED)
         Particles(i).PosVel.X = Particles(i).PosVel.X + (Particles(i).PosAcc.X * TIMEPASSED)
         Particles(i).PosVel.Y = Particles(i).PosVel.Y + (Particles(i).PosAcc.Y * TIMEPASSED)
         Particles(i).PosVel.Z = Particles(i).PosVel.Z + (Particles(i).PosAcc.Z * TIMEPASSED)
         Particles(i).Pos.X = Particles(i).Pos.X + (Particles(i).PosVel.X * TIMEPASSED)
         Particles(i).Pos.Y = Particles(i).Pos.Y + (Particles(i).PosVel.Y * TIMEPASSED)
         Particles(i).Pos.Z = Particles(i).Pos.Z + (Particles(i).PosVel.Z * TIMEPASSED)
         Particles(i).Rot.X = Particles(i).Rot.X + (Particles(i).RotVel.X * TIMEPASSED)
         Particles(i).Rot.Y = Particles(i).Rot.Y + (Particles(i).RotVel.Y * TIMEPASSED)
         Particles(i).Rot.Z = Particles(i).Rot.Z + (Particles(i).RotVel.Z * TIMEPASSED)
         Particles(i).Scale = Particles(i).Scale + (Particles(i).ScaleVel * TIMEPASSED)
         if Particles(i).Scale < 1
            Particles(i).Lifetime = 0.0
         Position Object Particles(i).Object,Particles(i).Pos.X,Particles(i).Pos.Y,Particles(i).Pos.Z
         Rotate Object Particles(i).Object,Particles(i).Rot.X,Particles(i).Rot.Y,Particles(i).Rot.Z
         Scale Object Particles(i).Object,Particles(i).Scale,Particles(i).Scale,Particles(i).Scale
         if Particles(i).Facing = 1
            Point Object Particles(i).Object,camera position x(),camera position y(),camera position z()
         if Particles(i).ColourBlend = 1
            Particles(i).Colour.Red = Particles(i).Colour.Red + (Particles(i).ColourVel.Red * TIMEPASSED)
            Particles(i).Colour.Green = Particles(i).Colour.Green + (Particles(i).ColourVel.Green * TIMEPASSED)
            Particles(i).Colour.Blue = Particles(i).Colour.Blue + (Particles(i).ColourVel.Blue * TIMEPASSED)
            If Particles(i).Colour.Red > 255 then Particles(i).Colour.Red = 255
            If Particles(i).Colour.Red < 0 then Particles(i).Colour.Red = 0
            If Particles(i).Colour.Green > 255 then Particles(i).Colour.Green = 255
            If Particles(i).Colour.Green < 0 then Particles(i).Colour.Green = 0
            If Particles(i).Colour.Blue > 255 then Particles(i).Colour.Blue = 255
            If Particles(i).Colour.Blue < 0 then Particles(i).Colour.Blue = 0
            set object emissive Particles(i).Object, rgb(Particles(i).Colour.Red, Particles(i).Colour.Green, Particles(i).Colour.Blue)
            set object diffuse Particles(i).Object, rgb(Particles(i).Colour.Red, Particles(i).Colour.Green, Particles(i).Colour.Blue)
         show object Particles(i).Object
         Particles(i).Lifetime = Particles(i).Lifetime - TIMEPASSED
         if Particles(i).Lifetime <= 0
            Particles(i).Active = 0
            hide object Particles(i).Object
            scroll object texture Particles(i).Object,-Particles(i).UOffset,-Particles(i).VOffset
            Particles(i).UOffset = 0
            Particles(i).VOffset = 0
   next i
Function initialise_particles()
for i = 0 to array count(Particles())
   Particles(i).Object = free_object()
   make object plain Particles(i).Object,1,1
   texture object Particles(i).Object,4
   ghost object on Particles(i).Object
   hide object Particles(i).Object
   disable object zwrite Particles(i).Object
   set object specular Particles(i).Object,0
   Particles(i).Active = 0
   set object collision off Particles(i).Object
next i
Function allocate_particle()
   particle_index = currentfreeparticle
   currentfreeparticle = (currentfreeparticle+1) MOD NUMPARTICLES
   Particles(particle_index).Active = 1
Endfunction particle_index
Function reset_particle(index)
   scroll object texture Particles(index).Object,-Particles(index).UOffset,-Particles(index).VOffset
   Particles(index).Pos.X = 0
   Particles(index).Pos.Y = 0
   Particles(index).Pos.Z = 0
   Particles(index).PosVel.X = 0
   Particles(index).PosVel.Y = 0
   Particles(index).PosVel.Z = 0
   Particles(index).PosAcc.X = 0
   Particles(index).PosAcc.Y = 0
   Particles(index).PosAcc.Z = 0
   Particles(index).Rot.X = 0
   Particles(index).Rot.Y = 0
   Particles(index).Rot.Z = 0
   Particles(index).RotVel.X = 0
   Particles(index).RotVel.Y = 0
   Particles(index).RotVel.Z = 0
   Particles(index).Scale = 100
   Particles(index).ScaleVel = 0
   Particles(index).Lifetime = 1
   Particles(index).UOffset = 0
   Particles(index).VOffset = 0
   Particles(index).Colour.Red = 255
   Particles(index).Colour.Green = 255
   Particles(index).Colour.Blue = 255
   Particles(index).ColourVel.Red = 0
   Particles(index).ColourVel.Green = 0
   Particles(index).ColourVel.Blue = 0
   Particles(index).ColourBlend = 0
Function particle_colourblend(local_initialred,local_initialgreen,local_initialblue,local_finalred,local_finalgreen,local_finalblue,local_particleindex)
    Particles(local_particleindex).Colour.Red = local_initialred
    Particles(local_particleindex).Colour.Green = local_initialgreen
    Particles(local_particleindex).Colour.Blue = local_initialblue
    Particles(local_particleindex).ColourVel.Red = (local_finalred - local_initialred)/ Particles(local_particleindex).Lifetime
    Particles(local_particleindex).ColourVel.Green = (local_finalgreen - local_initialgreen)/Particles(local_particleindex).Lifetime
    Particles(local_particleindex).ColourVel.Blue = (local_finalblue - local_initialblue)/Particles(local_particleindex).Lifetime
Function free_object()
      If Object Exist(i)=0 then Exit
      inc i
Endfunction i
Function free_image()
      If Image Exist(i)=0 then Exit
      inc i
Endfunction i
Function update_emitters()
   for i = 0 to array count(ParticleEmitters())
      if ParticleEmitters(i).Active = 1
         ParticleEmitters(i).Repeattime = ParticleEmitters(i).Repeattime - TIMEPASSED
         ParticleEmitters(i).Lifetime = ParticleEmitters(i).Lifetime - TIMEPASSED
         if ParticleEmitters(i).Repeattime <= 0
            Select ParticleEmitters(i).EffectType
               case 1
            ParticleEmitters(i).Repeattime = ParticleEmitters(i).Repeatrate
         if ParticleEmitters(i).Lifetime <= 0
            ParticleEmitters(i).Active = 0
   next i
Function allocate_emitter()
   for i = 0 to array count(ParticleEmitters())
      if ParticleEmitters(i).Active = 0
         particleemitter_index = i
         exitfunction particleemitter_index
   next i
   array insert at bottom ParticleEmitters()
   particleemitter_index = array count(ParticleEmitters())
endfunction particleemitter_index
Function reset_emitter(index)
   ParticleEmitters(index).Pos.X = 0
   ParticleEmitters(index).Pos.Y = 0
   ParticleEmitters(index).Pos.Z = 0
   ParticleEmitters(index).Lifetime = 1
   ParticleEmitters(index).Repeatrate = 1
   ParticleEmitters(index).Repeattime = 0
   ParticleEmitters(index).EffectType = 0
Function makebloodeffect(local_xpos,local_ypos,local_zpos)
   index = allocate_emitter()                         `This is required to get a free emitter from the list.
   reset_emitter(index)                               `Starts the emitter clean and defaulty.
   ParticleEmitters(index).Pos.X = local_xpos         `Positions the emitter in the world.  Used for spell locations etc
   ParticleEmitters(index).Pos.Y = local_ypos
   ParticleEmitters(index).Pos.Z = local_zpos
   ParticleEmitters(index).Lifetime = 0.2               `The lifetime in seconds of the EMITTER - not the particles.
   ParticleEmitters(index).Repeatrate = 0.1          `How often the emitter will spew out particles in seconds.
   ParticleEmitters(index).EffectType = 1             `Number of the effect that the emitter spews.  You can use CONSTANTs
   ParticleEmitters(index).Active = 1                 `Sets it to active.  Required.
Function makeblood(local_xpos,local_ypos,local_zpos)
for i = 0 to 60
    index = allocate_particle()              `These are required for getting the next free particle.
    reset_particle(index)                    `This ensures the particle has a 'clean slate' to begin.
    Particles(index).Pos.X = local_xpos      `The particle's initial start position.  Usually given by
    Particles(index).Pos.Y = local_ypos      `the emitter when it calls the particle.
    Particles(index).Pos.Z = local_zpos
    Particles(index).PosVel.X = rnd(6)       `The initial velocity of the particle.  If you have gravity
    Particles(index).PosVel.Y = rnd(8)+5     `enabled, the Y velocity should be quite large (in the 8-10
    Particles(index).PosVel.Z = rnd(6)       `range) to counteract it.
    Particles(index).PosAcc.X = 0            `Any initial acceleration on the particle.  If you want it
    Particles(index).PosAcc.Z = 0            `to get increasingly faster in a direction, accelleration
    Particles(index).PosAcc.Y = 0            `is where it's at.
    Particles(index).Rot.X = 0               `The rotation of the particle - NOTE if you have facing ON
    Particles(index).Rot.Y = 0               `then these numbers will be ignored.
    Particles(index).Rot.Z = 0
    Particles(index).RotVel.X = 0            `If you want the particle to spin at all, then use these,
    Particles(index).RotVel.Y = 0            `but remember - if Facing is ON, these will have little
    Particles(index).RotVel.Z = 0            `or no effect.
    Particles(index).Scale = 5.0            `The initial scale of the particle in percent.  Size is 1.
    Particles(index).ScaleVel = 25           `The change in scale per second for the object.  Negative
                                             `numbers to shrink over time, positive numbers to expand.
    Particles(index).Lifetime = 1            `The length of time, in seconds, that each particle lasts.
    Particles(index).Gravity = 1             `1 or 0 for affected by gravity or not.
    Particles(index).Facing = 1              `1 or 0 for facing the player always, or not.
    Particles(index).UOffset = 0             `Offset in the particle texture.  Values between 0 and 0.75, in 0.25s.
    Particles(index).VOffset = 0             `Same as above, but up and down, instead of left and right.
    local_initialred = 255                   `Temporary variables to set the start and end colour of your
    local_initialgreen = 0                   `particle system.  If you only want one colour, just set it as
    local_initialblue = 0                    `the start colour.
    local_finalred = 0                     `The function below (particle_colourblend) sets the colour velocities.
    local_finalgreen = 0
    local_finalblue = 0
    Particles(index).ColourBlend = 1         `This boolean sets whether you want to blend.  1 to blend.
                                             `The following three lines set up the look of the particle initially.
    set object emissive Particles(index).Object,rgb(Particles(index).Colour.Red,Particles(index).Colour.Green,Particles(index).Colour.Blue)
    set object diffuse Particles(index).Object,rgb(Particles(index).Colour.Red,Particles(index).Colour.Green,Particles(index).Colour.Blue)
    scroll object texture Particles(index).Object,Particles(index).UOffset,Particles(index).VOffset
next i