sync on : sync rate 50
#constant sph 1
#constant cub 2
#constant s 2.5
type pos
    x# as float
    y# as float
    z# as float
`Make the object
make object sphere 1, 2*s, 40, 40
set object wireframe 1, 1
set object cull 1, 0
`Get number of verteces and store it in an array
global vd as integer
lock vertexdata for limb 1, 0
    vd = get vertexdata vertex count()
    dim vert(vd) as pos
    for v = 0 to vd
        vert(v).x# = get vertexdata position x(v)
        vert(v).y# = get vertexdata position y(v)
        vert(v).z# = get vertexdata position z(v)
    next v
unlock vertexdata
`Distance vector
r = make vector3(1)
global t as integer
t = sph
    if upkey() = 1 and hold = 0
        hold = 1
        inc t
    if downkey() = 1 and hold = 0
        hold = 1
        dec t
    if downkey() + upkey() = 0 then hold = 0
    `Change type
    if t = sph
        `Edit to a sphere
        lock vertexdata for limb 1, 0
            `Run through all verteces
            for v = 0 to vd
                `Get vertex data
                vx# = get vertexdata position x(v)
                vy# = get vertexdata position y(v)
                vz# = get vertexdata position z(v)
                `Get target values
                tx# = vert(v).x#
                ty# = vert(v).y#
                tz# = vert(v).z#
                `Get distance to position
                set vector3 1, tx# - vx#, ty# - vy#, tz# - vz#
                d# = length vector3(1)
                `Change to new vertex data
                multiply vector3 1, 0.5
                set vertexdata position v, vx# + x vector3(1), vy# + y vector3(1), vz# + z vector3(1)
            next v
        unlock vertexdata
    if t = cub
        `Edit to a cube
        lock vertexdata for limb 1, 0
            `Run through all verteces
            for v = 0 to vd
                `Get vertex data
                vx# = get vertexdata position x(v)
                vy# = get vertexdata position y(v)
                vz# = get vertexdata position z(v)
                `Get origin data
                ox# = vert(v).x#
                oy# = vert(v).y#
                oz# = vert(v).z#
                `Based on the origin data from in the sphere, assign target position
                set vector3 1, ox#, oy#, oz#
                if ox# <> 0.0
                    multiply vector3 1, s / ab(ox#)
                    if ab(y vector3(1)) > s
                        set vector3 1, ox#, oy#, oz#
                        multiply vector3 1, s / ab(oy#)
                        if ab(z vector3(1)) > s
                            set vector3 1, ox#, oy#, oz#
                            multiply vector3 1, s / ab(oz#)
                        if ab(z vector3(1)) > s
                            set vector3 1, ox#, oy#, oz#
                            multiply vector3 1, s / ab(oz#)
                    multiply vector3 1, s / ab(oy#)
                    if ab(z vector3(1)) > s
                        set vector3 1, ox#, oy#, oz#
                        multiply vector3 1, s / ab(oz#)
                tx# = x vector3(1)
                ty# = y vector3(1)
                tz# = z vector3(1)
                `scale vector
                set vector3 1, tx# - vx#, ty# - vy#, tz# - vz#
                multiply vector3 1, 0.5
                set vertexdata position v, vx# + x vector3(1), vy# + y vector3(1), vz# + z vector3(1)
            next v
        unlock vertexdata
    `Position camera
    angle# = wrapvalue(angle# + rightkey() - leftkey())
    position camera cos(angle#)*10, 10, sin(angle#) * 10
    point camera 0, 0, 0
function ab(nr#)
    if nr# < 0 then exitfunction -nr#
endfunction nr#