REM Project: Spider
REM Created: 11/20/2007 4:56:10 AM
REM ***** Main Source File *****
Global camera_x# : Global camera_y#
Global shift$ = "In Progress..."
Global stage1$ = "In Progress..."
Global stage2$ = "In Progress..."
Global root_obj
Global _time
Global exec
Global exec2
_time = Timer() ` For Timing Stages
position camera 0,7,-20
Function create_objects()
   Global _abdomen
   Global _fovea
   Global l_abdomen
   _fovea = free_object()
   make object sphere _fovea,1.5 : scale object _fovea,150,100,100
   Make Mesh From Object 1000,_fovea
   Delete Object _fovea
   Make Object _fovea,1000,0
   Delete Mesh 1000
   position object _fovea,3,0,0 : color object _fovea,rgb(255,255,0)
   _abdomen = free_object()
   make object sphere _abdomen,5,20,20
   scale object _abdomen,100,75,80
   Make Mesh From Object 1000,_abdomen
   Delete Object _abdomen
   root_obj = _fovea
   l_abdomen = free_limb(root_obj)
   Add Limb _fovea,l_abdomen,1000
   Delete Mesh 1000
   Color Limb _fovea,l_abdomen,rgb(255,225,0)
   Offset Limb _fovea,l_abdomen,-1.5,0,0
   Make Object Sphere 1000,0.35
   Make Mesh From Object 1000,1000
   Delete Object 1000
   Make Object Cylinder 1000,0.3
   Scale Object 1000,100,900,100
   Make Mesh from Object 1001,1000                 `Mesh 1000 will be our first segmented legs
   Delete Object 1000
   dim _joint(9)  ` Create first set of joints
   dim s1_leg(9)
   dim _joint2(9)
   dim s2_leg(9)
   for i = 1 to 8
      _joint(i) = free_limb(root_obj)
      Add Limb _fovea,_joint(i),1000 : color limb _fovea,_joint(i),RGB(255,225,0)
      offset limb _fovea,_joint(i),0,(i*0.5) + 2,0
      s1_leg(i) = free_limb(root_obj)
      Add Limb _fovea,s1_leg(i),1001
      Link Limb _fovea,_joint(i),s1_leg(i)
      offset limb _fovea,s1_leg(i),0,1.4,0
      color limb _fovea,s1_leg(i),RGB(255,225,0)
      _joint2(i) = free_limb(root_obj)
      Add Limb _fovea,_joint2(i),1000 : color limb _fovea,_joint2(i),RGB(255,225,0)
      Link limb _fovea,s1_leg(i),_joint2(i) : offset limb _fovea,_joint2(i),0,1.3,0
      s2_leg(i) = free_limb(root_obj)
      Add Limb _fovea,s2_leg(i),1001
      Link Limb _fovea,_joint2(i),s2_leg(i)
      scale limb _fovea,s2_leg(i),100,150,100
      offset limb _fovea,s2_leg(i),0,2.1,0
      color limb _fovea,s2_leg(i),RGB(255,225,0)
   next i
   Delete Mesh 1000
   offset limb _fovea,_joint(1),-0.50,0,-0.6       ` Right Side Joints
   offset limb _fovea,_joint(2),-0.25,0,-0.65
   offset limb _fovea,_joint(3),0,0,-0.7
   offset limb _fovea,_joint(4),0.25,0,-0.65
   offset limb _fovea,_joint(5),-0.50,0,0.6        ` Left Side Joints
   offset limb _fovea,_joint(6),-0.25,0,0.65
   offset limb _fovea,_joint(7),0,0,0.7
   offset limb _fovea,_joint(8),0.25,0,0.65
REM ------------------- LEGS DEFAULT -------------------------------
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(1),-92,91,0         ` Legs Default
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(2),-96,79,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(3),49,-66,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(4),-48.5,90.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(5),-100,104,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(6),-69,108,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(7),51,-93,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(8),62.5,-97,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(1),-172.5,67.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(2),-170.5,82,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(3),-79.5,154.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(4),-78,0,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(5),-180,19.5.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(6),171.5,52,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(7),87,0,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(8),74,9.5,0
   for i = 1 to 8
      Hide Limb _fovea,s2_leg(i) : Hide Limb _fovea,_joint2(i) : Hide Limb _fovea,s1_leg(i)
   next i
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------
REM ------------------- LEGS FLARED -------------------------------
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(1),-63.5,23.5,0         ` Legs Flared
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(2),-66.5,-2.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(3),-69,-34,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(4),-83.5,-80.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(5),63.5,-23.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(6),66.5,2.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(7),69,34,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint(8),83.5,80.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(1),-78.5,27.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(2),-66.5,-2.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(3),-69,-34,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(4),-36.5,-5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(5),78.5,-27.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(6),66.5,2.5,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(7),69,34,0
   Rotate Limb _fovea,_joint2(8),36.5,5,0
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------
Function free_image()
      inc n
   until image exist(n) = 0
endfunction n
Function free_object()
      inc n
   until object exist(n) = 0
endfunction n
Function free_limb(root_obj)
      inc n
   until limb exist(root_obj,n) = 0
endfunction n
Function display_mode()
   Set Display Mode 1024,768,32
   Hide Mouse
   Autocam off
   Sync Rate 70
   Color Backdrop 0
   Sync On
   make light 1
   position light 1,30,10,-10
   set light range 1,100
function rotate_camera()
  if 0
    global camangle#
  inc camangle#,0.1
  position camera camx#,camy#,camz#
  point camera 0,0,0
function transform()
   transform_elapsed = the_timer()
   if shift$ <> "Complete" And transform_elapsed >= 5 Then color_shift()
   if shift$ = "Complete" And stage1$ <> "Complete" then stage_one()
   if stage1$ = "Complete" then stage_two()
function stage_one() ` Moves the abdomen to form the basic shape of the spider
   If 0 Then Global l_abdomen_x#
   if 0 Then Global l_abdomen_y#
   dec l_abdomen_x#,0.02
   if l_abdomen_y# <= 0.5 Then inc l_abdomen_y#,0.01
   Offset Limb _fovea,l_abdomen,l_abdomen_x#,l_abdomen_y#,0
   if l_abdomen_x# <= -2.8 Then stage1$ = "Complete"
function stage_two()
   for i = 1 to 8
      Show Limb _fovea,s2_leg(i)
      Show Limb _fovea,_joint2(i)
      Show Limb _fovea,s1_leg(i)
   next i
   Dim _joint_x#(9)
   Dim _joint_y#(9)
   Dim _joint2_x#(9)
   Dim _joint2_y#(9)
   if exec2 = 0
      for i = 1 to 8
      _joint_x#(i) = Limb Angle X(_fovea,_joint(i))
      _joint_y#(i) = Limb Angle Y(_fovea,_joint(i))
      _joint2_x#(i) = Limb Angle X(_fovea,_joint2(i))
      _joint2_y#(i) = Limb Angle Y(_fovea,_joint2(i))
      next i
      exec2 = 1
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint(1)) <= -63.5 Then Inc _joint_x#(1),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint(1)) >= 23.5 Then Dec _joint_y#(1),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint(2)) <= -66.5 Then Inc _joint_x#(2),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint(2)) >= -2.5 Then Dec _joint_y#(2),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint(3)) >= -69 Then Dec _joint_x#(3),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint(3)) <= -34 Then Inc _joint_y#(3),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint(4)) >= -83.5 Then Dec _joint_x#(4),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint(4)) >= -80.5 Then Dec _joint_y#(4),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint(5)) <= 63.5 Then Inc _joint_x#(5),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint(5)) >= -23.5 Then Dec _joint_y#(5),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint(6)) <= 66.5 Then Inc _joint_x#(6),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint(6)) >= 2.5 Then Dec _joint_y#(6),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint(7)) <= 69 Then Inc _joint_x#(7),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint(7)) <= 34 Then Inc _joint_y#(7),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint(8)) <= 83.5 Then Inc _joint_x#(8),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint(8)) <= 80.5 Then Inc _joint_y#(8),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint2(1)) <= -78.5 Then Inc _joint2_x#(1),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint2(1)) >= 27.5 Then Dec _joint2_y#(1),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint2(2)) <= -66.5 Then Inc _joint2_x#(2),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint2(2)) >= -2.5 Then Dec _joint2_y#(2),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint2(3)) <= -69 Then Inc _joint2_x#(3),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint2(3)) >= -34 Then Dec _joint2_y#(3),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint2(4)) <= -36.5 Then Inc _joint2_x#(4),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint2(4)) >= -5 Then Dec _joint2_y#(4),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint2(5)) <= 78.5 Then Inc _joint2_x#(5),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint2(5)) >= -27.5 Then Dec _joint2_y#(5),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint2(6)) >= 66.5 Then Dec _joint2_x#(6),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint2(6)) >= 2.5 Then Dec _joint2_y#(6),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint2(7)) >= 69 Then Dec _joint2_x#(7),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint2(7)) <= 34 Then Inc _joint2_y#(7),0.2
      if Limb Angle X (_fovea,_joint2(8)) >= 36.5 Then Dec _joint2_x#(8),0.2
      if Limb Angle Y (_fovea,_joint2(8)) >= 5 Then Dec _joint2_y#(8),0.2
   for i = 1 to 8
      rotate limb _fovea,_joint(i),_joint_x#(i),_joint_y#(i),0
      rotate limb _fovea,_joint2(i),_joint2_x#(i),_joint2_y#(i),0
   next i
function color_shift()
   if 0
      Global rr#
      Global gg#
      Global bb#
      Global r2#
      Global g2#
      Global b2#
   if exec = 0
      rr# = 255 : gg# = 225 : bb# = 0
      r2# = 255 : g2# = 225 : b2# = 0
      exec = 1
   color object l_abdomen,rgb(rr#,gg#,bb#) : color object _fovea,rgb(r2#,g2#,b2#)
   if rr# >= 141 Then dec rr#,0.2
   if gg# >= 54 Then dec gg#,0.3
   if r2# >= 141 then dec r2#,0.2
   if g2# >= 54 then dec g2#,0.3
   if g2# <= 54 Then shift$ = "Complete"
endfunction shift$
function the_timer()
   if 0 Then Global _elapsed
   _elapsed = (Timer()-_time)/1000
endfunction _elapsed